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Elijah had taken me out for dinner at around noon. We talked about so many things like our siblings, the things we like to do, things we regretted, and more. I told him about my childhood and my brother's.

I've never really opened up about him but with Elijah it was different. It genuinely was. It's like I've known him for so long but I never did. He made me feel comfortable being with him.

After nearly three hours of eating and talking we take a walk on the beach while the sun was setting. I saw a path of rose petals and candles.

"Oh, Eli I think we're in the way of someone's surprise."

"Let's follow the path." He says.

"But it must be someone else's."

"Who knows." He took his hand in mine walking down the path.

There were candles and rose petals along the way of the path.

We reached the end. I saw a heart with rose petals shaped like a heart. After admiring it I feel large hands grip my waist. I feel Elijah gripping me in his embrace.

"I have a question." He says before pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah what is it?" I ask.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me while handing me a rose to me.

I took it in my hands and looking back up at him I answered.

"YES. I'd love to be your girlfriend." He then pulls me into his embrace and kisses me.

I'd never felt this way before and I had butterflies in my tummy. He made me feel things I never had before. He became the man who gave me those butterflies that flew in my stomach with admiration.

I was glad to call him my boyfriend. I pull away from our kiss before saying

"Come on I want to walk on the beach with my boyfriend." I laugh before taking his hand in mine walking along the beautiful beach looking at the sky that was filling up with stars in the beautiful night sky.

"Thank you," I say as I look at his blue eyes that were outshining in the night.

"For what?" He asks.

"For making my dream come true. And I can't thank you enough for it."

"I genuinely care about you and I wanted to do this for you." I lean in to kiss him.

We walked on the beach for a little longer. I let go of his bicep taking my heels off before running towards the water and splashing him with it.

"Hey, that was unnecessary Tesoro." He chuckles before running towards me.

He gripped my waist pulling me in again. "No, put me down!." I laughed before he started placing little kisses on my neck.

I let out a soft moan at the kisses he placed on my skin. His kisses were gentle just the way I liked.

"Ok let's go. We need some rest after that plane rides and from all the shopping we did today." He said.

He began placing one of his arms around my small back frame and the other wrapped around my knees picking me up bridal style.

I threw my arms around his neck before looking up at his godly sculptured jawline. The moonlight hitting his structured jaw gave him a shadow from his features.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now