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Two months later: September 20


The whole day I trained with Rio, Brian, And Elijah as usual. Everything was normal and nothing changed except that Scythe's baby bump started to show a bit although it was just a slight bump.

Today was Hope's surprise Bachelorette party. She didn't want a bachelorette party but we wanted to surprise her. We all got ready for the surprise and left.

I and the aces got in the limo and headed to where Hope was. We had Elisa blindfold her and bring her out towards the limo bus. When Elisa got Hope out and stood her in front of the bus she took the blindfold off her face.

She gets inside and sees us all holding a glass of champagne. "SURPRISE." We shout excitedly at Hope.

I start heading toward Hope and Elisa.

"So, I know you said you didn't want a bachelorette party, but we didn't believe you," I said as I hand her a champagne glass pouring the sparkly bubbly drink.

I hug her after she places her drink beside her and turns to Elisa to hug and thank her.

Elisa explains what was set up for her which happens to be a scavenger hunt. There was a card for her that would lead her to the next location with another card and so.

At first, she couldn't find it before looking straight up in the mirror to see a white piece of paper for her location.

"Where you first laid eyes on the love of your life." She reads out.

"Del Posto." She gives her answer when Elisa lowers the glass window that separated the back half of the bus from the front where the driver sat.

Elisa announced where to go as we popped open another champagne bottle.

As we arrived Elisa said her name for the reservation before the man took us to a table that had cards with our names around it including meals placed on the table for us. We sat and ate for thirty minutes until Hope stands up to look for the next card.

She groans "It's not here." She says before looking at me.

"Re-read the clue," I said handing her the card.

She re-reads it over and over until it clicks in her head.

"The table I was sitting on." She whispers.

She rushes over to a table where an elderly couple sat eating their meal before she interrupts with an apology trying to get her next clue. She apologizes again before coming back to read the next clue.

"Where you realized you had feelings for the green-eyed man." The next clue says. I can see she thinks hard about it.

"My birthday party, in the alley next to that restaurant." She says.

Once we were in the car the name of the restaurant was announced to the driver. We arrived and Hope jumps out running towards the alley reaching for the card and coming back into the limo.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now