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Welcome to the new chapter <3
I hope you enjoy.
Don't forget to follow Eli and Iliana's Instagrams
@ Elijah.sin3
@ Iliana.zara3


As I stood beside Elijah with my arm wrapped around his bicep I looked up to look at Dom kneeling in front of Hope with a velvet box in his hands. Tears rolled down Hope's face with the words Dom had for her. After all the tears of joy, the claps to the newly engaged, and the screams of happiness for them everyone gathered around the couple to congratulate them.

"Hey, cugino." Elijah raises his voice for Hope to turn around and greet him.

"Congratulations on your engagement. I'm happy for both of you and may you receive all the blessings in your new journey. Although there may be a few hard obstacles you must know that you two have each other to fight them and get through them together forever." He says hugging Hope and Dom who stood beside Hope with an arm wrapped around her frame.

"Thank you cugino. We're glad you could make it." Hope ends her sentence before I raised my voice enough for her and Dom to hear.

"Who knew Eli had words." I jokingly say.

"Congratulations to the newly engaged. I'm so happy for both of you. I know you both together make a powerful couple who will conquer the world every time with each other side by side." I add a bright smile before hugging both Hope and Dom.

"Congratulations again," I say before pulling away from the hug.

"Thank you, Eli and Iliana. And thank you for coming as well. I'm glad you were able to make it back in time." Dom says before turning around to greet the Aces.

Elijah wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked over to the other side of the dance floor before getting pulled into Elijah's embrace.

"What are you doing?" I ask looking up at him.

"What? I can't have a dance with my beautiful girlfriend?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"Well yeah, you can. Sorry, you may proceed." I took his hand in mine with the other around the back of his neck. I placed my head on his hard chest.

I heard his heart beating. It was the most beautiful rhythm I've heard. I smiled as we slowed dance. After a few seconds of dancing, I look up at his blue eyes.

"I'm ready. And I know it's early but I'm ready." I say as a look of confusion is plastered on his beautifully structured face.

"Ready for what?" He asks.

"Ready for you to take me. All of me. You have all my consent and I'm ready." I looked back down in shame thinking that he probably never even wanted to do it with me.

He lifted his fingers under my chin before raising my face to see his blue eyes only to see them looking at my gray eyes.

"I don't want to do it just like that. I want it to be special. If I don't, it'll make you feel as if you were another of my conquests, but you're not. You're more than that. So I want it to be special since you're my dream girl."

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now