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Ciaoooo luvs
Welcome to the new chapter.
Enjoyyyy ;)


I arrive at the door and I see skulls open the door. I and Aria get out and head towards the door. We both walk in and greet the girls who were in the kitchen and living area. I see two other guys I've never seen before until now.

One boy was sitting next to Dagger and the other was next to Rager. I turn to Scythe who yells "ASESINA. ILIANA AND ARIA ARE HERE."

Not even a minute has passed and I see Asesina running down the stairs taking a sharp right turn to the kitchen and jumping on both of me and Aria.

"OMG Hey I missed you girls." Says Asesina as Aria and I hug her back. "Do you girls want to go out shopping?" Asks Skulls.

Rager adds. "To which one?" "What about the Manhattan Mall?" Aria questions seconds before the girls all agree.

We head out the door as the girls Insist we take two range rovers and two Mercedes G-wagons. I sit in the back with Aria and Skulls.

Up front sat Asesina and her Boyfriend. "So where are we going, Caro?" Says Asesina's boyfriend.

"I told you Rico we're going to the mall." So his name was Rico.

I heard the other two boys' names before we got in the car. Their names were Alessandro and Matteo. Sandro is Rager's boyfriend and Matteo was Dagger's.

We drive to the mall and go in. We go shopping for what seems to be hours. Most of the girls were still shopping while the others went to the food court and ordered something to eat.

In the corner of my eye, I see Rager and Sandro all happy with smiles plastered on their faces from something Sandro had whispered in her ear.

Turns out I wasn't the only one who caught that as Confianza says. "Aww, how adorable you two would make the cutest nieces and nephews."

"Well you and Ice would too but you two play too much and keep fighting it to get together. You two have eyes for each other." Says Rager.

Diabla then adds. "Yea what she said. Don't think we didn't catch you and Alex together all giddy. I see the way he looks at you. Not just with lust but with love and admiration for you. And I see it in your eyes too."

Sandro speaks up and says. "You know he told me about you. And I saw that look in his face of admiration when he talked about you. The way his face glows when he does. He talks about you as if you're the only girl he sees in the world.

And I quote 'She sparkles like a beautiful diamond that lays in the night sky when I see her. Even if she thinks she looks her worst I see a beautiful diamond. A diamond that's worth more than my own life. And with that, I'd give my life to her.' He sees you as a diamond the way I look at my Caro."

Just as he says that Confianza bows her head down with her cheeks all red as she played with her hands. And I caught a glimpse of her smile I guessed she was thinking of Ice. She looks up at Diabla and then toward me as my lips turn into a little smirk and a playful wink. We had gotten the food we ordered. We ate and chatted.

Spade speaks up and says "Well you little love birds over there making me feel single even if I have Vincenzo but he's with Elijah and not with me." A frown then appears on her lips.

After a while, the rest came and ate as well and we chatted more.

"So do you girls have boyfriends?" Asks Scythe who looks at Aria and me.

"Iliana doesn't but I do," Aria answers her question and asks her. "Do you?"

"Yea his name is Ace." She smiles thinking about him. "What about your boyfriend?" Scythe asks Aria.

"His name is Emilio." "Ouu look at you I see the spark in your eyes when you mention his name." She says.

Aria began to blush at the thought of him. "Why don't you have a boyfriend Iliana? You're very pretty to be single." Veneno says who is looking my way with a questioning look.

"I don't know it's just that no man has ever caught my eye. I'd love for a man to catch my eye but none has yet". I say.

"What about you, had someone caught yours?" I ask Veneno who smiles and says. "Yes, his name is Vincent." I look at her with a smile plastered on my face that causes her to blush and roll her eyes.

Well, here we are at the end of the chapter. ;(
The next one will come out soon <3 sorry I've just been busy and very distracted.
I hope you forgive me. :(
I hope you enjoyed it. Much love to you 🖤

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