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Yes, Yes another song

I had woken up from a wonderful sleep I then walked to my closet and picked up a white shoulder-off mini dress and my dr martens black boots. I set my dress down on the chair I have by my desk and placed my boots on the floor by the chair. I walked towards my bathroom and took a warm shower. As I stepped out I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked down to the kitchen which was on the left side of the stairs and sat next to my sister on the stools that sat beside the kitchen aisle

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I walked down to the kitchen which was on the left side of the stairs and sat next to my sister on the stools that sat beside the kitchen aisle. While my mom was whipping up some pancakes with strawberries on top.

I asked my sister "Hey, do you need a ride to school?" With a big smile on my face. She nods her head 'yes' as my mom gives us our plates.

"Good morning Mis niñas chulas. I hope you both have a good day at school and make sure you stay safe" says my mom before my dad comes in and gives us a soft kiss on our foreheads.

As I ate my food I hug my parents goodbye. I walked out the door with my sister walking towards my car. It was a Porsche 911 GT3 in all matte black with a red interior I had gotten it for my eighteen birthday.

As she hops on the passenger's side I go around to the driver's side once I hopped in I turn the car on and drive out of the driveway.

I drove to my sister's school and dropped her off. "Have a good day hermanita" I said as she also says "tu Tambien" with a smile on both of our faces.

Once she walked in I drove away to my school. I got out and walked towards my classes and I saw my best friend standing there waiting for me.

"Heyyyyy Iliana I miss you. How are you?" She asks. "Hey, Aria. I'm good and you?" I hug her then we both let go and walk into class.

"I'm good as well I'm just exhausted because I stayed up all night studying for my test later today," she says.

"Aria you know you can always ask me for help when you're studying right?" I ask as she responds right after. "Yes I know but I didn't want to bother you knowing you were sleeping." Our teacher walks in and he goes straight to teaching.


I woke up and got ready as usual and walked downstairs on my way to the kitchen where Ace was at. This time all of them including Scythe who wasn't here yesterday were sitting on the couch.

"Good morning girls," I say as they respond with "Good morning Eli."

"I have something for you all today since I'm very aware Spade, Asesina, and Siege got the information on my shipment last night."

"And I'm going to need all of you girls in this today." Scythe then adds. "Well, what's the plan for tonight?"

"I need all of you to get my shipment from the warehouse and kill all the guards who are there if you need to," I ordered.

"I was able to get the code to get you girls in the club from the back. I need you all dressed before eight and get your weapons ready as well."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For this chapter I want you to play "bring me the horizon-can you feel my heart" 🖤

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For this chapter I want you to play "bring me the horizon-can you feel my heart" 🖤


The girls got dressed and some had lace tops in red or black with leather or ripped jeans along with black Dr.Martens. Others had a black cropped top with either leather or jeans and Dr.Martens as well. As they all got ready they headed down the stairs at 7:30 as Elijah was waiting for them at the door who wore a black suit and black dress shoes. The girls also had all their daggers and knives strapped to their thighs. with their guns on their waistband on the back. And extra clips next to the guns.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Asks Elijah. The girls all nod as Scythe says "Yes".

They all head out the door and jump into three of the matte black Mercedes AMGs and a Cadillac that was parked out in the driveway five girls were in one Mercedes and five in another.

Elijah and three other men in the last Mercedes. Five more men in the Cadillac behind all three Mercedes. As Rager, Confianza, Elijah, and Marcelo all turned the engine on from the car they were in.

They drove out of the driveway on their way to Brooklyn's '8Ball' club. As they got in from the back they headed down the stairs into the warehouse with the Aces and the men with their guns, knives, and daggers out ready to kill.

The men upfront checked the rooms to see if they were empty they continued to walk and the Aces were now upfront aiming and shooting at Esposito's men.

The men dropped down dead as Elijah came into the room where his shipments were he had the men get them into the trucks the Esposito men had brought into the warehouse. Four of Elijah's men drove two trucks away with one more left that Veneno and Dagger had driven out of Esposito's men.

As the girls killed the men who were already in there as Dagger carved an Ace on one of the men's foreheads and left. Confianza, Rager, and Diabla had killed most men in the three rooms that were offices.

Elijah, Asesina, Siege, Spade, and Elijah's men killed the rest of Esposito's men. The Aces carved an Ace symbol on them once they were dead.

Once they all finished the Ace's, Marcelo, and his men all left back into the Mercedes and Cadillac that were parked out and drove away back home.

Follow my Ace's ig: AcexMxfia ♠️
The next chapter is later today if I finish it.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Please vote.
Thank you. 🖤
-Jenny (Scythe)♠️

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