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Get your holy water ready just saying.
But welcome to the new chapter.
I'm not sure if the song would last until the end of the chapter but just replay it and use headphones for a better experience.
I hope you enjoy. <3


After leaving the ceremony we all went back home to get ready again after those tears being shed from the beautiful ceremony.

I still had my bridesmaids' dress on but I covered it with a towel so my makeup won't get my dress dirty. Elijah fixed his hair and the girls got their makeup done again.

After we all got ready we head to the ballroom where the party was being held. We got out of the car and headed inside.

Music was blasting through the speakers, flowers around the room, and tables with many people sitting by.

Elijah and I walked to an empty table and sat there for a while. We were all waiting for the wedded couple to enter the room and while we did we talked to each other.

A moment later both Dom and Hope come hand in hand together walking to the center of the dance floor. As they entered we all stood up applauding for them.

Once they reached the middle of the dance floor they had their first dance. They started slow dancing as people recorded this beautiful moment for them to remember.

After a few minutes, the song switches and they're not slow dancing anymore. This time they were dancing as if they were at a club.

Sooner or later every one started to join the dance floor as I and Eli got up walking towards it too. We were living our lives.

"WOO," I yell out while dancing with Elijah. I see Hades and he's giggling as his mom and dad dance together.

I turn my head to my side and see Spade grinding on Vincenzo. along with Skulls & Luca, Siege & Jace, Asesina & Rico, Veneno & Vincent, Confianza & Ice, Rager & Alessandro, also Dagger & Matteo.

They were grinding on each other in the middle of the dance floor as I saw Hope beside me from getting closer to the middle.

"CONGRATS!." I yell out.

Elijah snaked his arms around my waist as we started to dance to the rhythm of the song. I had a huge smile on my face knowing I was truly happy at this point in my life with the person I trust the most who I'm dancing with. He made me happy being in a relationship.


I was having fun being around Iliana and I was happy for one of my best friends since elementary. Dom and Hope deserve each other I've seen how happy Dom is with Hope. And I'm happy my cousin found a man like Dom to love.

After a while of dancing and Iliana went to take a seat. We had champagne and whiskey to drink and talked.

The aces and their husbands & boyfriends sat at the same table. We talked and drank. Moments later it was time for Hope and Dom to cut the cake. We all got up and gathered around.

Hope whispered something to Dom and cut the cake. When Hope whispered to him his eyes widened as he excitedly hugged her. The wedding went on as people started to leave some of us decided to go to my club for the after party.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now