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Haiii welcome, I hope you enjoy.


We were snuggled up for a few minutes just looking at the view. I looked down to see my best view, Iliana.

"We still have more to do Tesoro."

"One question." She says.

"I'm listening."

"When are you going to tell me what 'Tesoro' means?" She asks me before looking up at me.

"Sorry, no can do." I see her take her eyes before turning to look at the view in front of us.

"Ok come on let's get changed. I have another surprise." I say.

"You my dear boyfriend is full of surprises aren't you?"

"Well yes, yes I am beautiful." Her cheeks glow bright red before getting up while taking a hand out to me. I reach for hers before she snatches it away.

"What was that for!?"

"That's for not telling me what 'Tesoro' means."

"Oh come on. Seriously?"

"Yes." I take her hand in mine before we both interlock our fingers and proceeded to walk to our room.

While I sat on the edge of the bed dressed I received a phone call from Dominico.

"Hey, Dom what's up?" I ask.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you, Iliana, and the Aces could come."

"Yea of course what for?" I ask.

"I'm proposing and I want to surprise Hope with all the people closest to us being there and I was wondering if you all could come. It would mean the world to us."

"Yeah of course when is it?"

"I'll send you the date."

"Alright. I'll see you then. Goodbye and good luck."

"Thank you, bye Eli."

"Who was it?" Iliana asks.

"Dom. He's proposing to Hope and he wants it to be a surprise." I say.

"Oh my, are you serious!?" Her face held a shocked look of happiness.


"I'm so happy for them. When is it?"

"Dom is going to send me the date later. But are you ready?" I ask standing up and walking towards Iliana wrapping my left arm around her waist.

"Yeah. Are you?" She asks.

"Ready when you are." I sent her a little smirk and a playful wink.

We walk out of the car and headed towards our destination where my next surprise was. As we arrived I parked the car and opened Iliana's door. As she got out we interlocked our fingers walking towards the entrance.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now