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It was the morning of La Guerra getting up at 12 am and getting ready for this. All my men awake walking around the house making sure everyone is ready to leave. All the women were all packed up and ready to leave the country to keep them safe including Iliana. She kept fighting me to let her stay but I couldn't risk it.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She kicked and screamed but I still didn't put her down. The moment we got to the car I placed her down in the backseat and locked the doors with my key making sure she won't open the door and get out. I got to the front seat, opened it, and quickly sat inside. Her door couldn't open since it was on child lock. "Elijah please just let me stay." She sobbed. I'm sorry.

We drove towards the airport and said our goodbyes. "I'll see you soon Tesoro." I smile. "No, please let me stay, let me fight along side you like we were meant to. Elijah please. Through the good and bad let me be there." She cried. I didn't let her stay, I didn't want her to risk her life when I could possibly not be there to save her.

"Please Elijah, I'm begging you." She cried. "Let me stay." She grabbed my arm and sobbed and man did it hurt to see her like this. On the verge of tears I look up at the sky blinking them back. "Elijah?" "Yes Tesoro?" I look down to her this time. "If you leave, can you promise me to come back?" She looked straight at my eyes with her own grey ones watering.

Just a few seconds before I could respond she was pulled away by her mother. Once the door to the plane was closed I let my tears flow down. "I promise." I whisper. I saw her sit by the window. Her hand placed on the window with her eyes still watering. She mouthed "I love you." I did the same right after and walked back to the car seeing the plane fly away right before my eyes.

I had driven to one of my warehouses and entered with Marcelo, Rio, Heilos, and Brian right behind me. "Ladies and gentlemen." I yell out getting everyone's attention. "Today is the day!" "If you fuck up, you get right back up and fix it, kill it. If you're injured press the button, if you need backup press the button, if you need to reload press the button. It will send a call straight to those around you. Now are you ready for this war?" I pound my fist on the heavy metal table for everyone to hear. "YES BOSS!" I hear from everyone around. "Leave Sergio to me."I added and get a bunch of nods. "All right. Let's go kill this son of a bitch." I smirk and turn around leaving exiting the building.

We all drove to Sergio's palace and had surrounded the place. Machine guns were in every corner and middle. I have gotten out and had my guns all strapped and loaded for easy access. I start by carefully sneaking to the front and shooting the guards up front. Before they could alert Sergio they all dropped dead.

We opened the gates and began walking inside. It was still dark out. The drive way was full of trees to hide at. I stood in the middle of the drive way while my men stood behind the trees hiding. I shot up at a window in the middle of the house and shot four bullets at his room window and another four at his office window. And just like that men came rushing out of the house leaving me time to move behind a tree.

Once they reached the drive way each one of my men came out of hiding and shot at each of Sergio's men. All of them dropping dead. Moving closer and more men coming out of the house we shot each one of them. As there were bullets flying I was able to sneak off along with Heilos And Nyx behind me. We went through the side as so did Marcelo with Rio and Brian on the other side. The men from behind the house began jumping over the fence and walked towards the house killing the men coming from inside the house.

I had snuck inside and made way through the basement killing any man in my view. I heard muffled screams like if it was from a little girl. Running towards the sound I take a look inside the room and see 5 girls on the floor holding each other together.

I pressed onto my earpiece and talked. "I need 5 of you to come get these girls down in the basement. Be careful and keep them safe." 5 guys talk into the ear piece. "Copy that."

I stayed near them to make sure no one else came to them. Just as I turned around I heard a clang to my back. Turning to see one of the girls having a knife in her hands. The moment I looked up to her wide eyes she took a step back. Looking back down to the knife it was bent more so as if it was hit to a metal which it was. I had a metal bullet proof vest on to protect myself and so did everyone else. "A knife won't do you justice sweetheart." I affirmed. The other girls were shocked too.

"I will get you guys out safe if you don't try to kill me." I suggest. Just then my men came and got them out making sure to keep them safe. Just then when I was walking right behind them in the main floor awaited Sergio.

The men and girls left before I could go after Sergio. "Now now why don't we fight like real men shall we?" He suggested. I had dropped my gun and took off my vest. Just as I neared him I swung right at his chest making him fall right back onto a glass table. He chuckled while getting himself back up.

"You'll never win." He says just before swinging at my jaw. "You'll go down just like your father." I spat out and punched him once again but this time towards his nose making it bleed.

He threw a punch back and I blocked it before throwing a punch to him. After multiple punches he took a knife from the floor and stabbed my leg. I raised my leg to kick him which he fell back but instantly got a hold of my gun beside him.

"It would be a disgrace to shoot you with your own gun wouldn't it?" He says. "What of a 'real men' fight." I retort along with a scoff. "Sometimes things change." He chuckles raising the gun a little more. "Real men who know how to use guns would also know that the clip is empty." I chuckle. He had checked the clip and I was right. It was empty.

I switched it out to my empty one before dropping the gun. I'm guessing he never noticed. "Sucks to suck doesn't it?" I chuckled. "It would suck if your dear Tesoro would know you were the one to kill Violeta." He laughs. "Oh wait she already knows." He added and with all the anger in me I got a hold of his collar and lifted him up, punching him repeatedly until my knuckles bled and bruised. Before I could punch him once more I was stopped by Marcelo. "Boss. Thats enough." He said calmly. "Elijah. That's enough!" He yells out making me stop and drop Sergio on the floor.

"She's going to fucking hate me now." I drag my hands down my face. I looked beside me and see Sergio's face all bloodied. "Come on let's go." Marcelo says. "Give me a moment." I say just as I take ahold of the knife in my pocket and slice his throat making him choke on his blood. But before I left I carved "SIN" right on his chest.

Picking up the vest and gun Marcelo and I had walked away leaving Sergio to choke on his blood. Once we got outside we began killing every single one of Sergio's men. We made sure everyone was dead and the cameras were shot before leaving. Just before we left we planted 10 bombs around and inside the house.

Around 10 seconds after leaving the house exploded right behind us. "You all did a very good job my boys." I smile and so did they.

Once we got home I instantly called Iliana. She wouldn't pick up so I called my mama and neither did she. It was late night in Greece so that must've been the reason. It was still early here so the moment we got home I took a shower and cleaned up all the blood and dirt off. Once I've gotten out I began to take care of the cut on my leg that was bleeding out too much.

I rinsed it with water to get rid of some of the blood before adding the antibiotics. Once the antibiotics were on I placed a bandage around the wound to make sure it doesn't bleed out more.

I got out of the bathroom and changed into sweats and a t-shirt for the rest of the day. I headed to my office to finish up some paper work and decided to call Iliana tomorrow morning to talk to her about Sergio had told her.

I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter. Thank you all for reading and thank you for 24k reads!! I love you all <3
-Jenny(Scythe) ♠️

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