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This audio is in 8D which will make you feel as if you are In that exact room. Use some headphones for a better experience.
And I hope you enjoy the day when the girls have fun.


I woke up the next morning after going to school. The school was normal and the same as usual going to classes and getting my work done. After school, I picked my sister up from school and headed back home. My mom and dad were out for work. My sister wanted to stay over at a friend's house today since it was Friday. I called my mom and she let her go over to stay the night.

Before we left I changed into some faded ripped jeans, a black corset, and the same Dr.Martens, I had on earlier. After dropping my sister at her friend's I called Aria.

I asked "Do you want to go to the mall today? Maybe pick out some dresses and go to a club later tonight?"

"Yea sure. Come pick me up I'm almost ready." Aria says at the other end of the phone call. "I'll be there in a few minutes," I say as I drive away toward Aria's house.

As I got to her house I honked and she came out locking her house door and running towards my car.

She gets in a moment later. I hug and greet her after. "Hey, Aria you're looking cute." I shot a wink at her. She shoots a bright smile and says "Thank you. But so do you." She shoots a wink back as my face forms a big smile plastered my face.

As I left her driveway on my way to the mall we love to go to. Once we arrived I parked my car and hopped out and walked beside Aria. We ended up getting juice because we were thirsty and walked into a store.

The sign said 'Windsor' the dresses in the front of the store were very pretty and long but as we headed towards the middle of the store there were shorter dresses.

We found a few and tried them on. What caught my eye was a Charcoal Grey leather-like dress. And Aria found a white ankle-length white satin dress with a slit on the right side. We bought them and as we headed to my house to change a group of girls caught my eye. They were gorgeous. As I and Aria looked at them in awe we decided to go up to them and greet them.

We walked up to them and said "Hello." they looked at us with a smile plastered on each and all of their faces. There were nine girls until another girl came towards us I guessed she was with them.

"I don't exactly know you girls but you girls look beautiful," I say.

Aria then introduces herself. "I'm Aria and this is Iliana." who points at me.

"Hey, I'm Scythe and these are my girls Rager, Confianza, Dagger, Siege, Diabla, Veneno, Spade, Asesina, and Skulls." Says Scythe who points towards the girls who stood beside me waving back at me and Aria.

"Nice to meet you all. You girls seem very lovely to be friends with." I say. Spade then speaks up. "We should hang out maybe sometime."

Aria and I both nod. "What about tonight?" Adds Skulls. "Oh, yea of course. I and Aria came to buy a dress for tonight if you girls want to come along." "Of course, we'd love to," says Dagger.

Before we leave we exchange numbers and say bye to each other. Me and Aria head home and when we arrived we changed.

I changed into my new dress and wore a diamond snake necklace and black strapped heels. Aria then changed into her dress and wore a gold coin-like chain and diamond-strapped heels.

After we changed we took a few pictures and left for a club that was downtown

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After we changed we took a few pictures and left for a club that was downtown. We ended up picking out a club called 'Sin's club' and told the girls.

As we drove towards the club and parked we saw a lot of people waiting. We passed by security a while later as I get a text from Scythe that said 'Look up to your right.'

I see Scythe with a smile looking down at us from the balcony in the club. Both Aria and I head towards the stairs where a security guard stood before asking. "Are you girls on the VIP list?"

Before I could answer Scythe comes and says to the guard. "They're with us don't worry let them come through." He moves over for me and Aria to pass and walks up the stairs.

We reach the top with Scythe behind us as we reach where the girls were they were all sitting on a long red velvet couch. They stood up to greet us while I hug Scythe and the rest of the girls. Aria also hugs the girls.

The girls wore mid-thigh small dresses. They were different colors. Some had black, red, blue, white, gold, or champagne color-like dresses with black heels or other colored heels that matched along with their dresses. 

Spade, Rager, Confianza, Aria, and I headed toward the bar to get a drink. I and The girls picked up a glass half full of whiskey and headed back to where the rest of the girls were.

After our first drink, we headed down the stairs to dance. Our night keeps going with a few more drinks, more dancing, and chatter.

Later on we all head home. Aria and I both took a shower while I was in mine she was in the one near my sister's room across the hall. We went to sleep after finishing our showers and brushing our teeth. This night was very fun and we made new friends as well. They were really pretty and cool to hang out with as well. 

Well haiii
Sooo I'm sure you probably love my Ace's and Aria and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Follow my Ace's ig: AcexMxfia ♠️
I'll see you in the next chapter.
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Thank you. 🖤
- Jenny (Scythe)♠️

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