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"Hello?" I answered. "Hello, is this Iliana?" A deep voice came from the other end. "Yes. Who are you?" I spoke.

"You might know who I am. I'm sure your husband has told you about me." He says. "Im not sure I'm following. Who is this?" I ask again.

"This is Sergio Esposito." My heart stops. "What do you want?" I retort.

"Well we both know Violeta. Don't we?" My heart beats even faster than before. How does he know her. "Well I guess you could say I was her husband before she was killed." What the fuck.

"Iliana." Aria speaks up making me look up to her with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" She says looking at me straight in the eyes. I didn't answer her question when I heard him speak on the phone again.

"You know who killed her?" He spat out. "No." I cried. "Your so called husband killed my wife." "Why do you think you were taken by my father?" He says. "I don't know." More tears had spilled.

"We did it for revenge. But clearly he doesn't think straight. We knew he would take a liking on you when we heard that you were hanging around with the Aces." At this moment I was a sobbing mess. "Oh sweetheart don't cry because your lovely husband isn't what he seems to be." He chuckles.

"Why did he kill her?" I spoke up. "Because when she made a mistake on a mission he kicked her out. And that was when I found her wandering the streets and where she ended up in my club. She liked me and I liked her. Once Elijah heard the news he was mad because she so called 'betrayed' him." My tears flowed just to a point where I can create a lake in the middle of the jet.

"I don't believe you!" I spat out. "Don't believe me sweetheart? Just listen." He says. I heard shuffling coming from his end of the phone.

"Now why don't we fight like real men shall we?" He suggests. I heard a thud from the other end like something was dropped to the floor. Then I hear something shatter like if Sergio had fell onto a glass table.

Shuffling can be heard just after. "You'll never win." Sergio says hearing a crack. "You'll go down just like your father." I could hear Elijah speak this time, and I hear another crack.

More shuffling was heard and another punch was thrown. There were several punches before there was more shuffling I heard a groan from the other end of the phone and more shuffling right after.

"It would be a disgrace to shoot you with your
own gun wouldn't it?" Sergio spoke up. "What of a 'real men' fight." Elijah says. "Sometimes things change." Sergio chuckled.

"Real men who know how to use guns would also know that the clip is empty." Elijah then chuckles. "Sucks to suck doesn't it?" Elijah adds. "It would suck if your dear Tesoro would know you were the one to kill Violeta." He laughs. "Oh wait she already knows." Sergio laughed again.

More punches could be heard. I didn't get to hear the rest just before I hung up and threw the phone in the air making it fall on the floor.

I cried for so much that I had fallen asleep. I woke up just in time before the jet back on the runway.

Once the jet had come to a complete stop we had gotten off. I got in the car and drove off to a nearby hotel alone.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now