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Ciaooooo welcome to a new chapter
I hope you enjoy <3

We went shopping after getting ice cream.

"Hey, can you unbuckle Celestina for me while I take this call?" Elijah looks at me from the rearview mirror.

"Yea I got it," I said as I unbuckled her seatbelt.

We got out of the car and I held her hand making sure she wouldn't walk away from us.

"So you and my big brother," Thorn says.

"What about your big brother?" I ask.

"Are you two a thing or?" Elio asks.

"No, we're not. He...he's a friend actually or savior." I say.

"So he's your knight in shining armor? But how?" Elio asks.

"Well a few days ago I was at a club which happens to be your brothers and some guy had spiked my drink and kidnapped me. So your brother saved me." I say.

"What a love story," Thorn says with a chuckle.

"Not a love story. But the moral of the story is to be careful with your surroundings." I roll my eyes with a giggle afterward.

"You four ready to head inside?" Elijah asks while putting his phone in his pants pocket.

"Yeah let's go," I say walking towards the door with Celestina's hand in mine.

"Hey I want to go there," Celestina says pointing at a dress shop.

"Come on I'll go with you." We all head towards the shop and we enter before Celestina says.

"Stop not you three I only want Iliana to help me pick out a dress, not you boys. You always say no."

Elijah rolls his eyes and says. "Because the dresses you pick will always attract boys that are eww."

"No, you're just jealous that you three and Tata aren't the only boys in my life." Says Celestina with a sassy voice.

INDEPENDENT we love to see it.

"Yeah what she said" pointing at Celestina as we both cross our arms at the boys.

"Ok fine go pick out a dress and tell me when you're done so I can pay."

"Don't you three have another store to go to while me and Celestina shop here?" I ask.

"No. Because I have to be here to protect you from getting kidnapped again. And I don't want that." Elijah says leaning towards me as he winks and lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I say rolling my eyes and walking away into the store with Celestina's hand in mine.

"Ok what color are we going for today?" I ask going through some dresses for Celestina.

"Red because it's my brother's favorite." She says.

"Ooo ok let's keep looking." I found a cute red dress for her.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now