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TW: Abuse, drugs, guns, alcohol
There will also be some very mature scenes
Please read at your own risk.
Thank you 🖤

Also I just want to get one thing clear.
The pictures that are used in these chapters
are NOT mine.
I gathered them from Pinterest.

Ciao I'm Jenny :)
I usually love to read a lot so I came up with actually making a story for others to read.

I'm kinda new to this so if you see some mistakes please don't hold back and let me know if I made a mistake. I'll be trying to update this story as much as I can.


This is an
All Rights Reserved story;
To which my story can not be used
or adapted in any way
without my permission.
Thank you <3



Iliana: Iliana Zara Cortez is a Mexican-Italian 19 year old Woman

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Iliana: Iliana Zara Cortez is a Mexican-Italian 19 year old Woman. She grew up in a regular house in New York with her sister and her parents. Her sister and her parents mean the world to her and because of them she got to live a life she wanted to. Iliana goes to a nearby college to her home so when she finished her classes she could go home and still be near the college. Her hobbies are; cooking, hanging out with her family, and partying with her friends most of the times she gets.


Elijah: Elijah Sin Ricci an Italian 23 year old man  born and raised in Sicily, Italy

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Elijah: Elijah Sin Ricci an Italian 23 year old man  born and raised in Sicily, Italy. He stayed there till he was 8 but later moved to New York because his father expanded his business in New York and ended staying there. Elijah has 2 twin younger brothers, one sister, and his parents. Family is everything to him. He lives in a 4 story house with a few of his close men and the Ace's. His hobbies are; hanging out with his family, boxing, shooting, and partying with his close friends when not at work.


Ciao alright so there's more characters in this story but you'll meet them while reading ;)

Their ages will change along the story as well.

I also decided to add my Ace's in here which you'll meet in the story as well.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me on my Instagram: @ mafi.043

I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you can please vote for my chapters I'd appreciate it.


TW: Abuse, drugs, guns, alcohol
There will also be some very mature scenes
Please read at your own risk.
Thank you Once again.🖤

I'll be updating this story every once in a while when I have free time. - Jenny(Scythe)♠️

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