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Haiiii welcome to a new chapter


I was sitting in Elijah's office as he kneeled beside me with one hand on my knee and the other on my shoulder. "Let's head to bed, Tesoro." He says before standing up and putting his hand out for me to take. I place my left hand on his right and stood up.

We both walked up the stairs hand in hand as he opened the door he said "Queens first." I turn my head to the right where I could see his face as I walked in. A smirk on his face with a soft smile on mine. "Thank you," I say before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"One question," I say looking at Elijah who walks into his closet pulling boxers, and red basketball shorts from the drawers. "I'm listening Tesoro." "Where do my clothes go? I can't just keep them in the bags forever." "You see that dresser over there?" Pointing at a black dresser in front of the red velvet couch.

"The left side drawers should be empty. You can put your clothes there. And if there are clothes that need to be hung there's a rack in here." He said. "Are you going to take a shower?" He asks as I responded with a simple "yes." "Well, Queens go first." His deep voice was now low and gentle when he said the last sentence.

I got up and went to the bags that were by the couch. I picked up a black laced bra and undies, some little shorts, and a tank top. I walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower. I finished ten minutes later and headed out. I had a towel wrapped around my hair and my clothes were on. I opened the door to see a godly sight.

Elijah was sitting on the bed writing something in what I believe was his journal. I wasn't sure what it was but I asked. "What ya writing?" "Things I need to get done for tomorrow since there is a ball coming up soon."

"Who's the organizer?" I asked. "I am." He looked at me through his arched brows. "That's nice. But can I see when it's all decorated? Before your guest arrives. I don't want to ruin your guests' night when they arrive." "You'll get to see it in a few days." "After looking at it I'll come back and keep busy while all of you are out," I say with a soft smile on my face.

"What do you mean?" He asks. "What I mean is that I'm not invited nor am I the person to invite myself so I'll go look at it and come back here." "You're going to the ball on Saturday night." "I don't even have a dress." "Well, you can go look for one, or I can go and pick one out tomorrow." A shocked look appeared on my face when he said that.

"What?" He asked with a confused look as his face was turned up towards my face. "You would go dress shopping?" "Well, no. But for you, yes." He says with a shocked look still on my face. "What?" He asks again. "Nothing. It's just not likely for me to see a guy go dress shopping for a girl."

"I think the only guys you ever been around with aren't men. They must be little boys since a man would go to the end of the world to buy a dress if it makes his Queen happy. Or a Queen in general." My eyebrows raised at what he had said. "Therefore those little boys aren't men. And I'd go and pick a dress for you."

"Well thank you. You're such a gentleman." I tease with a smile that curved my lips upwards. "My mamma raised me this way while my dad raised me on how to shut off my emotions for those who don't deserve it. And I quote 'emotions can be shut off quicker than you can think. It helps your mind ease for a little and it calms you instead of blowing all your anger to that specific person."

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now