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I wake up in a white room not knowing where I am. Lifting my hand to my head I feel a cloth wrapped around it and seem to get a little dizzy. "Ouch," I whisper. I closed my eyes just to stop myself from getting dizzier and drop my hand down to rest on the mattress I lay on. Just a couple of seconds later I open my eyes and let my eyes wander around the room. I see flowers and cards on the bedside table on the left side of the bed. As I turn my head to the right I see someone sitting on the chair next to the bed. God, he looks awful like he hasn't slept in days or showered.

I don't know who this man is but I get up and see some slippers on the floor I slip on my feet and walk out of the room. "Where am I?" I whisper to myself. I look around and I seem to be in a house but whose house is this?

I continue walking down the dark hall until I reach the stairs. I slowly place my hand on the rail and start to walk down reaching the foyer of the house. I look at what seems to be the living room and then at the front door. I slowly open it and walk outside not knowing where I was or where I was going.

Just before stepping out, I see a pair of keys on the side table by the door and grab them. I walk out and find the car by clicking the unlock button on the keys. I quickly rush to the car and get on the driver's side and drive away. I look in the rearview mirror a person running after me. I step on the gas pedal and drive off not knowing where I was going. The man finally stopped and I keep driving until I can't see his figure anymore.

After a couple of minutes of driving, I finally reach a small town and I stop in a small parking lot. I search the car for any clothing of some sort instead of this robe. And that's when I see a small black duffel bag and pull it out on my lap. I open it and see a black hoodie, sweats, a t-shirt, and in the small pocket some cash.

I quickly put on the clothes and set the bag on the passenger's seat. I see a hotel building close by so I drive toward it and park the car in the parking lot.

I get out take the bag along with me and walk toward the front doors. I stop at the front desk and ask for a single bedroom to stay in for a couple of days until I figure out what I'm doing here.

"Your room is ready ma'am." says the lady behind the desktop. She slides a card on top and I take it. "Thank you." I smiled.

"Thank you for choosing us today and may your stay be wonderful." the lady says.

I walk towards the elevators and click the button that has the number 13. Just as soon as I reach the floor I step out of the elevator and walk to the room. I unlock the door and head inside dropping the backpack on a chair by the bed and go lay in bed.

I pull the covers off and slide inside then pull the covers over me again. falling asleep in just a matter of minutes.


Fuck I fell asleep. I look up and see that Iliana is no longer in bed. Where the fuck did she go?

I run out of the room in search of her and I don't see her anywhere in the hallways or rooms. I run down the stairs and see the keys to my AMG are missing who the fuck took my car keys?

I walk into the kitchen and see my family and her family gathered up in the kitchen and looking panicked.

"Will someone explain to me what the fuck is going on where the fuck is Iliana?" I say still looking around for her.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now