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Ciao welcome to the new chapter ;)
Anywho I hope you enjoy it.



We all finished our food as we chatted the whole time there. We got up, paid, and left the restaurant that was in the food court at the mall. We drove back to their house and before we arrived we had dropped Scythe at home since her sister had to take care of her son while Ace was working. Believe me, I was surprised at how young and beautiful she was to have a kid.


"Hey, Neonato where's Hades?" I ask looking at Ace. He comes and snakes his arm around my waist.

"He's in his room." I kiss Ace as I walk up the stairs toward my son's room.

"Hey, Mio bambino. How are you?" I ask as I go up to hug and kiss his forehead. "I'm good Mamma how are you?" He asks.

"I'm good as well mio figlio. I need you to get ready because you are staying with your god mommy Asesina and your god daddy Rico tonight."

I hear him scream in joy as he runs to his backpack and starts stuffing his animal plushies and toys in there. I pack a few clothes for him as he rushes out of the room to his dad jumping up in his arms.

"You ready to go?" Ace asks Hades as he buckled him up in his car seat and gets into the driver's side.

I walk out to see my boys in the car waiting on me to get in. As I get in I give Hades some strawberries I got for a little snack. Ace then pulls out of the driveway on our way back to Elijah's house.


I hear my front door open to see Hades run in and jump into my arms when I see him. "Ehi motto," I say pulling Hades into a tight hug.

I let him down and see him run across the hall and see him jump up to Asesina's arms and then to Rico's who stood beside her with a big grin plastered on his face.

I hear Hades yell at the end of the hallway "Ciao mamma e papà del dio."

~{translation: Hello god mom and god dad.}~

I hug Scythe and then Ace. "Hey va' a salutare gli zii e gli zii." I hear Rico say as he lets go of Hades.

~{translation: Hey go say hello to your aunts and uncles.}~

Rico then comes towards me, Scythe, And ace. He greets them both as Scythe asks Rico. "When are you and Asesina going to have kids? I need some nieces and nephews. And I know Elijah over here is too much of a Puttana to have any kids." "I heard that," I say as I walk towards my office.


"Well maybe if he finds Iliana attractive then he just might settle down. I mean both Eli and Iliana would make a cute couple." I say as I walk where Rico, Ace, and Scythe are.

"Hey, where are Iliana and Aria? Did they go home?" She asks. I respond a second after. "Yeah they left as soon as we got here and Elijah was already in the driveway passing by them.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now