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I hope you enjoy.


I got on the bike and started to ride on the tracks but this time I didn't have a helmet on. I left before Elijah could see me. I see him on his motorcycle a minute later beside me.

"Where the fuck is your helmet Iliana?" He asks.

"I don't need it." I laugh as I speed up to where he is left behind.

I let the air hit my face and let the air flow through my hair behind me. I see Elijah speed up again beside me.

"PUT YOUR FUCKING HELMET ON ILIANA." He yells out this time.

I raise my brow at him before slowing down off the tracks.

"What the fuck was that for Iliana?" He asks.

"You could've hurt yourself or something Tesoro. Don't ever scare me like that." He brushes his hands on his hair before apologizing.

"I'm sorry Tesoro i shouldn't have screamed at you. Just please wear a helmet next time will you?" He looks up with a begging look.

"I'm sorry. I just never thought anything of it at first. I didn't mean to scare you babe. I promise I'll wear the helmet next time." I say.

"Ok but we have to go you still have training to do." He says with a smirk before putting away the motorcycle back in its place.

Present: November 16th

We got to the warehouse where me and Elijah trained for hours. Hours turned into days, to weeks, to months. I had gotten a code name after all my training. My code name was "The Shuriken." I really loved it.

After months of training It was now November. Elijah's birthday was around the corner and I wanted to surprise him. His birthday is in four days and I had a whole day planned for his birthday.

I was training with Elijah the whole day today.

"Babe what do you want to do this Saturday?" I ask in between punches towards the punching bag in front of me.

"I just want to stay in bed with you. I don't really want to do much but to be with you." He says as he snakes his arm around my waist pulling me into his embrace.

"What did you do last year?" I ask him.

"I just took care of business and went to the club with Rio, Brian, and Heilo. That's about it." He says. I really wanted to surprise him because he deserves it.

After training we went home and showered.

"Tesoro can you pass me the conditioner?" I pick up the bottle and pass it over to him.

I turn around to face him and I see him pouring the conditioner on his hair before raising it up above my head and pouring some as well. I start to scrub it as Elijah starts to wash it off for me as he does the same to his hair afterwards.

"Can you pass me the towel babe?" He picks up a towel and wraps it around my body before going back to brush his teeth.

I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth as well and brush my hair before drying myself off and changing into his boxers with his t-shirt this time. I go lay in bed beside him and fall asleep peacefully with my head resting on his bare chest.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now