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Heyyy sooo here's the new chapter :)
I'm not going to say much so
Enjoyyyy ;)



As I walked out of Elijah's office I walked to the kitchen where the rest of the Ace was. Siege, Rager, Dagger, Veneno, Skulls, and Spade all sat on the couch watching Netflix while Confianza, Diabla, and Scythe were sitting on the black stools in the kitchen behind the kitchen aisle.

I get myself a bowl and pour yogurt I add strawberries, blueberries, granola, and some honey for a bit of sweetness.

I see Scythe eating oatmeal while the other girls had cereal. I sat next to Confianza on the stool. I turn around to where I can see the TV in the small living area by the kitchen.

The girls were watching The Vampire Diaries. I hear footsteps coming from outside the kitchen as I turn to the doorway I see Matteo, Marcelo, Milan, and Elijah. Also known as the three M's and of course the Boss.

Matteo comes in and heads toward the living room area and gives Dagger a soft kiss on the lips. "Eww gross," I say out loud for Matteo to hear. Rico also comes in and does the same to Me as I kiss him back I heard him whisper in my ear. "Let's go to our room."

Before I left I heard Matteo mimicking me. "Eww gross." I roll my eyes.

I get up all giddy and head out. As I'm walking behind Rico holding on to his bicep with my yogurt on my right I see Alessandro walking towards Rager and sitting next to her.


As Sandro comes and sits next to me placing a kiss on my cheek. I then end up talking to him about the things I want to do later. "Can I come along?" he asks with a pout.

"Yes of course you can," I say with a smile plastered on my face and see Sandro's lips curl into a smirk.

I then hear Elijah speak up to say something. "Girls I know your friends are coming so please be careful and try not to destroy my house."

"And Scythe I know you're more mature so please watch over them for me." He adds minutes before getting up from his seat beside Scythe and walking out. I follow my eyes behind Eli and see Milan walk right behind him.


As Milan and I get into the car I turn the engine on and I drive off but I see another car coming it was a  black Porsche the windows were tinted which caused me not to be able to see who it was.

I had guessed it was Ace's friends since I heard Scythe say. "The girls should be coming through the gate so I'll leave it opened for you." Before I and Milan got in the car. It is a Lamborghini Huracán in Matte black.

What caught my eye was the Porsche coming towards the house in the driveway. It was nice and I thought about buying one since I never had bought one considering that I have enough cars.

"One more wouldn't hurt right Milan?" I ask as he's also admiring the Porsche.

"I think we can work with another one considering that you're rich and all." He says before rolling his eyes.


I and Aria got ready to go to the girls' house. "Are you ready?" I ask Aria who comes out of the house making her way to my car.

"Yeah. Are you?" She asks.

"I am excited since we finally have new friends other than just us or people who go to our school." I start to drive off after answering her question.

I stopped at a cafe to get something to drink and some food before going over to their house. I called Spade and asked if they wanted anything. Only a few wanted a drink so I ordered them and got back in the car.

I drove to a nearby target to get some snacks as well. I picked up some snacks before having a look in the kitchen aisle. I found a few plates and mugs that my mom would love.

I picked up a few mugs and plates along with bowls, cups, and more silverware for my mom. In the corner of my eye, I saw Aria walking towards me with a lamp and carpet in her arms.

"Look what I found." She says bringing the items up to my face so that I could see. "I like these for my room since I'm going to reorganize it."

"Those are cute. Where'd you find them?" I ask.

"In the third aisle. There are so many cute rugs and more stuff for your bedroom." I walked over there with the cart and looked at a few things and picked up a red satin comforter for my bed and a white vase for some flowers.

I saw some bouquets at the front of the store. I walked to the register after getting three bouquets of red roses. One for me and two for the girls' house. Right after paying, we left for their house.

As we arrived I see a Lamborghini Huracán in all matte black. I saw it at the other end of the driveway where I was coming from. I loved that car.

I always wanted a Lamborghini when I was younger. I mean don't get me wrong I love my Porsche but I also want a Lamborghini when I'm a bit older.

Ahhhh I'm soooo sorry I took so long to update. </3
But this is a new chapter I hope you enjoyed it. It's pretty small but it's something :(
-Jenny(Scythe ♠️)
Love you🖤

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