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Welcomeee I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Let me know if I make some spelling mistakes so I can correct them. Thank you.
On with the story. <3
∞︎︎-present time
⚔︎-past time


We ate our dinner and talked the whole night. We finished talking and eating before Eli paid for the meal. We left the restaurant and left back to our room.

"Thank you for the dinner, Eli. And thank you for this amazing day." I say as he whispered.

"Anything for you Tesoro." We got to our room showered, brushed our teeth, and changed before going to sleep.

I felt like a free butterfly today and it all happened because of the gorgeous man who lay beside me. The man I could call my boyfriend.

∞︎︎/ present

It's been a whole week since we were in Greece before flying to Italy and back to New York with the Aces. Since it was Friday I and Iliana decided to go out for dinner with everyone later tonight.

"ELIJAH." I heard Scythe, Skulls, Asesina, Spade, Rager, and Confianza run into my office.

"Yes, girls?" I ask looking up from my desk where a paper and other necessities lay.

"So I heard you and Iliana are now dating." Skulls blurted from behind Rager.

"Yes, we are. Is that what you came to ask?"

"Yes." The girls agreed.

"But also how did you ask her?" Confianza added.

"I took her outside for dinner and went on a walk to the beach. There was a path of roses and candles. We walked along it and looked up to the sky and that's when I asked her."

"Finally Elijah grew some balls," Skulls says.

"Shut the fuck up Skulls. And I have had balls. The balls you've never seen." I say.

"Now can you leave I have an important meeting to hold in a minute?" I ordered.

"Ok fine. Goodbye." Scythe says.

"What an asshole." Asesina blurted.

"Right." Spade and Rager agreed.

"I heard that." I hissed looking up from my desk before getting up with a pen and papers in my hand.

I walked over to my meeting room and ordered my men to come into the room.

"I hope your day is good today and that your families are all good as well. But today I hold this meeting over the Esposito men."

"They're dead so what's the meeting about?" Rio asked.

"Not," I say looking up at Rio.

"Then what's wrong?" Marcelo asked shifting in his chair to be more comfortable.

"His son Sergio is planning to attack our family after the way we left his father."

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now