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Helloooo welcome to
the new chapter <3
This one is superrrr special
So please no negativity also I took my whole time
Making this as detailed as possible and very special for both Elijah and Iliana's day.
I hope you enjoy.
Thank you.
Also this chapter is going to have a lot of songs because Yk every wedding has like a shit ton of songs playing. :D
May 25


Today was the day of our wedding. I was really nervous. I was at my moms house today since a lot of our visitors stayed back at home with Elijah.

It was also a tradition where the bride and groom would sleep in different houses for the night before. I stayed at my moms and he stayed back at home.

The Ace's and Aria had arrived while I was getting my makeup done.

"Good morning everyone!" Aria says going up to hug my mom first, then my sister, dad, and lastly me.

"Good morning Aria." We all say.

The Ace's had arrived a few seconds later.

"Good morning girls." I say greeting them all.

"Good morning!." They all said.

I had went back to doing my makeup while the girls ate breakfast downstairs. Once I was done with my makeup I had went into my sisters room while she was eating to set her room up.

Once I finished up setting up the room I called my sister up.

"IYVETH!" I yell out.

I hear her run upstairs and run Inside her room.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Come here."


"Just come here I have something to ask you."


"So I wanted to ask you if you would like to be my maid of honor?" I ask.

"What!? Yes! Of course I'll be." She excitedly says.

"Wait but I don't have my speech ready yet."

"Better get to it. Oh and I hope you like your chocolate and your new dress." I point towards her bed.

"Thank you so much Nana." She says giving me a hug.

I went back to my room and called my mom up to help me get ready. Since my hair and makeup was done all I needed to do was put my dress and heels on.

Right before my mom came there was a knock on the door. My mom opened it and saw that Arabella was here. She was let inside and walked up to my room together.

"Good morning Arabella. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm doing good. How are you? Are you excited or nervous?" She asked.

"Excited but nervous." She laughs while I smiled.

"Ok let's get you in your dress shall we?" Arabella says.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now