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Ciaoooo luvs welcome to this new chapter ;)
Anywhooo on with the story.
Enjoyyyyy <3



I got up from a shuffling sound in me and Ace's room. I then found myself outside on the balcony my arms wrapped around Ace's waist with my cheek gently placed on his back.

"Why are you up right now neonato?" He replies to my question after. "I'm just not tired. And I'm just thinking about how I was able to have you and a beautiful son in this type of life."

I turn him around to face me as I look deep into his eyes and say. "And I'm genuinely so glad I was able to find a loving person for me. Well, not just for me but my son, my Ace's, and the Ricci family."

I gently peck Ace's lips. "Promise me one thing." He says before taking a sip of the champagne he had in his hand.

"Promise me for whatever happens in this lifestyle you take care of yourself and my son." With glossy eyes, I stare at his eyes and say. "I promise. And I'll take care of you till I die and in the afterlife. I love you and will always." I kiss him gently.

"I love you." He says before we head back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and head to the kitchen I see Spade in the kitchen making breakfast. While looking at the TV from the living area.

"Good Morning Spade," I say as I walk towards her in the kitchen helping her with breakfast. "Good morning". She says back.


I woke up showered and changed before walking down to my office. "Marcelo can you come in here for a moment" I ordered.

As he walks in and sits in front of me opposite my desk I say. "So you know we are allies with the Romano and Russo family. And I was thinking of having them come to visit from Italy."

"Sure I'll give them a call." I hear Marcelo dialing the Romano family.

"Hey, big man. How are you?" "I'm good Mar. what about you? Do you need something?" I hear on the other end of the phone call.

"Yeah, I'm good as well. Elijah was wondering if you guys wanted to visit. He got the jet ready in case you agree to come. Everything is all good and set for you and your men." Says, Marcelo.

Santiago on the other end of the call then agrees to his invite. Marcelo did the same with the Russo family after talking with Santiago.


I was eating until I had the idea to go clubbing again today since it was a Friday. I called Iliana and Aria. "Hey girls I was wondering if you two want to go clubbing again today?"

"Yea of course where at?" Iliana asks. "The same club as last time."

"Ok see you there." Says Iliana on the other end of the phone call before Aria lets out a giggle and screams in joy.

Scythe hears me and she says. "Well, I'll go if my sister can take care of Hades for the night."

She calls her sister and asks. "Hey, Ellia can you take care of Hades for the night please?" Her sister on the other end of the phone agrees as they both say their goodbyes.

All the girls got ready and so did the men. The girls wore dresses and they all had black heels. The men all had black suits on some with black shirts and some with white. They all got in their cars and headed to the club where Iliana and Aria would meet them at.

Once the Aces and the men arrived Elijah went to his office in the club waiting on the Romano and Russo family to get there.

Aria and Iliana both arrived and went to the VIP lounge where the girls and their boyfriends were at.

We greeted each other as I yelled out. "ILIANA. ARIA. Hey welcome, I miss you, girls, even if we were just together yesterday."

As we partied and got drinks I saw a few men I saw before heading toward Elijah's office. A man had caught my eye. We both stared at each other before he came walking towards me and greeted himself to me.

"Ciao Bella ragazza." He says before taking my hand in his and giving a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

~{translation: hello beautiful girl.}~

"Ciao," I said with a slight smile before asking. "What's your name?" He lifted his head looking at my eyes and responding with his name.

"Vincenzo and your's beautiful?" "Spade." He has a gentle smirk plastered on his lips.

"Oh, so you're one of the Ace who works with Elijah?" He asks before I nod my head.

"Yes. Nice to meet you handsome." With a playful wink as his lips pull into a grin with his head bowed down and my hand still on his.

After meeting Vincenzo we partied more and got drunk more. We later went into one of the private rooms. He had me pinned against the wall with my arms over my head. He kissed me roughly on my neck. It turned me on I let out a little moan. He threw me on the bed that was there as we got undressed and he entered me making me moan a bit louder as we kept going like that.

After a while, we got dressed again and left the room. I saw Iliana get a drink and a minute later fazed and dizzy that's when I realized somebody had spiked her drink.

Before I reached her some guy had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder. At that moment I ran to the Ace and had them get Elijah to check the cameras for her. I ran to Aria comforting her from her cries after Iliana was taken from us.

Well, here we are. Well damn, Spade you kinky little shit. Who knew you'd fuck a Romano.
Anywhooo I hope you enjoyed ;)
I'll see you later luvs🖤
Can you please vote <3
-Jenny(Scythe) ♠️

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