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Welcome to the new chapter
I hope you enjoy.


We stayed up talking in the tub last night. I was scared of loving someone other than family until I met her honestly. She was the moon shine that lit the sky even in the darkest hours and she was my sun that shined brighter than any other star in the galaxy.

She made me feel like I wasn't just another evil man. She showed me what heaven was like just by walking into the room where I stood. She was the woman I'd never thought I'd ever deserve yet here she is laying beside me in bed with a smile with her arms wrapped around my waist.

She never got scared of my scars because she says every one of them tells a story even if it's a bad memory that even those bad memories heal over time. She lit the darkest room I've been in just by looking at her beautiful eyes.

She has me wrapped around her little finger and I don't think I'd want her to slip away from me ever. Everyone would love when I fall apart but I know she would be there to keep me up throughout my darkest days.

I'm glad to have her as my girlfriend but I'd love to one day make her mine forever, to have beautiful kids with her, and to grow old with her by my side all along our journey.

I wanted to make this week special for both of us before I have to go back to work. I then see her move a bit before opening her beautiful grey eyes to look up at me.

"Good morning mi Amor." She says.

"Good morning Amore Mio," I say in a low whisper.

The whole day we were out going to places. In the end, we went for dinner and headed back home to sleep. Our whole week went very well we made love most days when Iliana wasn't as sore as before.

We got to see the most beautiful views that I've seen as a kid which were my favorite places before moving out to New York although I'm glad I did because if I didn't I wouldn't have met her, my whole soul.

By the time our week in Italy ended, we headed back home on the jet. Once we had arrived I saw Rio and Brian standing in front of the car leaning against it with their arms crossed waiting. Iliana gets off first and I go right behind her.

"I miss you, Rio." She says while running to hug Rio and then Brian.

"I miss you too Caro," Rio says hugging her back.

I walk towards them and clear my throat.

"Ciao Buco del culo." Rio says as he laughs before lifting his hand for Me to do the usual handshake that we made as kids and I do the same with Brian.

-(Translation: "Hello asshole.")-

"Fuck off will you?" I say as I roll my eyes.

Rio walks over towards the driver's side and gets in as Iliana and I go in the back seat. Brian gets in the passengers and Rio drives off into the road towards our house. Over the last few months Iliana, Rio, and Brian became a lot closer.

We got home and I see Iliana running toward the girls to greet them again after our trip. As I got in I headed straight to my office back to work.  I had a lot to work on since I haven't been home for a week.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now