24. Beliebers

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When we arrived at the bowling alley, there were already a lot of people crowding the place. Some were just chilling, others were playing their own games of pool and bowling and others were sipping away from a drink at the bar.

I followed Zayn and Vallerie as they led the way to a vacant bowling lane. As we were about to occupy the space, two girls went ahead and took our supposed spot.

"Hey," Vallerie tells them off. I grabbed her arm to keep her from starting a scene.

The two girls became recognizable when the lights of our lane switched on, indicating that it was already occupied.

"Hey Taylen, hey Cait." I greeted the girlfriends of my team mates, Chaz and Jake.

"Violet, surprised to see you here." Caitlin greets me as the girls crush me into a hug.

"Yeah, we expected you to be with the boys after Chaz told me that Justin has done nothing but convince the boys to allow you to go with them." Taylen explains making us all laugh.

I blushed in embarrassment. "God, he's so clingy." I tell them.

"Tell me something I don't know." Taylen laughed.

The girls and I got caught up with making fun of Justin that I had almost forgotten to introduce my friends. "Girls, these are my friends – Zayn and Vallerie. Val, Z, this is Caitlin and Taylen, Jake's and Chaz's girlfriends."

"Ohh, so you're Caitlin. I knew those shoes would look fabulous on you." Vallerie gushes noticing the pumps Caitlin was wearing. It was the one Jake picked out with the help of Vallerie.

"You know these shoes?" Caitlin asks her.

"I was the one who helped your boyfriend buy them. The poor boy had no idea what he was doing. " Vallerie replied.

Caitlin laughs and smirks. "I knew he was too good to pick the perfect shoes. No way would a guy have good taste in finding these lovelies."

"What are you girls doing here?" I asked them.

"Since our boyfriends were busy tonight, we decided to make plans of our own." Taylen answers.

"You're welcome to join us it you want. We could have a friendly competition. Loser buys food and drinks." I tell them.

"I'm in," Vallerie agrees knowing how competitive she was.

"Sure why not," Zayn says joining the game.

"I know whose buying drinks tonight and it's definitely not going to be me," Taylen says with full confidence.

Caitlin glares at Taylen. "You're so on."

"I'm going to get our shoes." Zayn offers after asking our foot sizes, before leaving us alone.

Vallerie and the two girls seemed to get along very well as they laughed and gossiped about how cheesy Justin was about me.

Of course the source came from the boys also known as the friends of Justin.

Zayn came back with our shoes and we began the friendly competition after getting settled with our footwear.

Vallerie was up first and I knew this was going to be an enjoyable night. To say that the 4 of us were competitive would be an understatement because we were down to our last 3 sets and so far the line-ups on the screen all showed an 'X' drawing the score between all of us.

We were so into the game that we had managed to draw attention. Some people had surrounded our lane to watch us play.

The competitiveness between us had drained my energy as I was starting to get tired.

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