27. All Bad

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I woke up to find Violet asleep with her head resting on the edge of her bed. She didn't look comfortable with her position and I guess I had myself to blame for that since I had fallen asleep on her lap. 

Good thing Violet was a heavy sleeper as she managed to stay asleep until I carried her to the bed for her to rest more comfortably.

It was only 5:00 am so I decided to use the time to make Violet some breakfast. I silently walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. 

Once I had reached her kitchen, I was surprised to see my Mom having a chat with Violet's mom, Marisol.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked her after greeting her with a kiss on the cheek.

"I thought I'd bring you a change of clothes for school today since you didn't come home last night. I've tried calling and texting you but you didn't answer." my mom replies. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized instantly. "I fell asleep and I forgot to tell you. Thanks for bringing these. I needed it." I said as I take the back pack she had brought with her.

"It's alright honey. Violet texted me anyway so I wouldn't get worried." my mom says.

"Isn't it too early for you to be here though? Marisol probably shouldn't even be awake by this time."

"It's no problem Justin. I usually wake up early for work so you're mother was not a bother. You're up early though. School doesn't start in another three hours." Marisol says.

"I thought of bringing breakfast in bed for Violet before she could wake up." I explain making the two mothers squeal in excitement. 

"Oh my baby is so sweet. Do you need some help? I don't want you causing fire in this home." My mom says.

"Mom..." I whined. "I think I can handle reading the instructions on the back of a pancake mix. It's not rocket science. I really want to do this alone."

"We should leave him Pattie." Marisol tells me with a smile. "I'm heading out for work. You can walk out with me."

"Fine." my mother agrees, finally giving up. "Don't burn anything Justin."

I rolled eyes playfully, allowing the two ladies to leave. 

I started making some pancakes after getting the mixture right from reading the instructions. Once that was done, I transferred the food to a clean plate before getting started with the bacon and eggs. Good thing Violet's fridge was stocked with everything I needed so I was able to finish cooking the full breakfast on time.

It was already 6:30 am and I knew Violet would be wake up anytime soon. Before going upstairs with the tray of food, I took a piece of paper towel to make a rose origami then placed it on the tray.

By the time I had reached Violet's room, she was still fast asleep and the only noise that came off were the little snores that escaped through her lips.

I shake my head and laughed silently. I placed the tray carefully on the bed taking my place beside it. 

I attempted to wake up Violet by gently shaking her arms. "Babe it's time to wake up." I say.

She didn't budge so I had to shake her couple of times more until she finally blinks slowly to open up her eyes. Violet helps herself up to lay her back on the headboard.

"Hey, you're up early?" She asks me with a sleepy smile.

"There was something I needed to do." I reply.

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