25. Company

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Finished with Saturday tutoring at school, I walked to my car to go straight home. Suddenly my phone went off, letting me know I had an incoming all. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Am I speaking to Violet?" the person on the other line asked me.

"This is she. Who am I speaking to?"

"Honey, this is Pattie, Justin's mother."

I didn't expect her to call me."Hey Pattie, is there something I can help you with?" I asked.

"Actually yes though I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, of course not. I just got out of tutoring and was on my way home."

"Do you mind coming over? Justin is not around so I needed someone to accompany me today. Chaz and Ryan went out with Justin last night I didn't want bother them today. They're probably tired."

"Wait, where is Justin?"

"He didn't call you yet?"

"I haven't talked to Justin since last night. The boys hid his phone so we never really got the chance to have a proper conversation."

"Scooter picked him up earlier this morning for a contract signing at Island Def Jams."

"For real? Wow, that's really good to know. I bet Justin was excited about that."

"He was. Justin is going to start working soon which means I'll be left alone in this house more often."

"I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'm not doing anything for the rest of the weekend."

"That would be lovely dear. I'll inform security that I am expecting you. Take care on the road."

"Thanks Pattie. I'll see you soon."

Starting the ignition I make my way to the Bieber household. Security let me in after I presented my driver's license for identification check. I pulled over the driveway switching my car off. Pattie stood by the door waiting for me.

"Honey, do you mind if we go to the grocery store? I just need get some stuff for lunch later. We could take my car." Pattie offers holding out the keys to her car.

I nodded agreeing taking the keys to her car. The grocery store wasn't that far as I found myself pulling over an empty parking space after a few minutes of driving. Pattie and I got out walked towards the store once we were out of the car. I noticed a few people had started to stare at us while they whispered among themselves. 

"Pattie, they're all staring at us." I whispered to her.

She grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze. "It's okay, don't be scared. We'll make it quick so we can leave soon okay?"

I nodded following her, not letting go off her hand the entire time until we were safe inside. Pattie finishes shopping quickly like she had promised as we were now at the counter paying for the items. I help Pattie carry the few bags after returning the shopping cart back to its usual area.

We walked back to the car where we settle the grocery bags then leave the premises to drive back to the house. A few of their security people helped carry the grocceries once we had arrived. Pattie thanks them immediately starting to cook after scattering the needed ingredients on the kitchen counter.

"Do you want to help sweet heart?" She asks me.

I nod willingly. "This is going to be fun."

"I'm glad you think that. Justin never shows interest in cooking." Pattie tells me.

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