21. Playing for Keeps

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I listened attentively as Coach Bryce announces the line-up for this afternoon's practice drill. "Tom, Jev, Seth, Ryan, Ben and Violet Team A and the rest of you are Team B. You've got 30 seconds to plan your game so make it count."

For the first time Justin and I weren't on the same team and we were going against each other. This was going to be a fun game.

"Are you ready to lose VI?" Justin yelled from the other side of the rink as their team began to get ready for their huddle.

"You wish Biebs. Prepare to kiss your wussy ass goodbye." I backfired and skated away with Jev and the rest of the team. The boys interrupted in 'ohhs' obviously amused by the competition that was rising between Justin and I.

"Okay so VI I got to keep you here near the goal so you can polish your defending position." Jev instructed me to do. I didn't object since that was what I really needed to do. Being out of the team for a couple of weeks got me a little rusty. I had a lot of catching up to do with our big game getting closer.

Jev continued to command the rest of the team. "Seth you'll be center, Ryan you're our goaltender for today and I'll be forward with Tom and Ben; we got to win this game okay. Let's just think we're going against the Knights. Remember to always keep passing. Ryan, make sure you guard the goal with your life."

"I'd like to even see them try to get past me plus we've got our girl Violet here. She's going to kick all of their asses blind folded." Ryan says as he puts his arm over my shoulder.

Jev smirks at me. "It's all on you VI. Make sure nobody gets past you okay but even if they do, don't panic because Ryan is here to back you up."

I nodded understanding his instructions. Coach Bryce blows his whistle signaling for us to take our places. "We've only got 2 weeks till our game with the Knights so please make this good or all of you are staying an extra 2 hours for today. No exceptions! Players are you ready?" he asked.

The boys and I screamed a 'ready' in unison. Seth takes his place in the center of the rink in front of Chaz who was the center of the other team. Ryan stood by our goal waiting for the game to start while I stood a couple of inches away from him. Tom and Ben stood outside the small center circle while Jev stood the opposite of Justin who was also a forward for his team.

Bryce blows his whistle indicating the start of the game. I watched as they tackled each other trying to pass the puck. Our team had the lead as Seth passed the puck to Tom. Tom skated towards our target aiming for a goal but Chaz tackles him stealing the puck and passing it off to Finn who was another player on their team.

Finn skated towards our direction with Justin behind him. Tom and Ben were on either side of the Finn and on queue they signaled each other to tackle him causing both him and Justin to fall on the ice. Jev steals the puck shooting it right back towards our target goal.

"Oh yeah, that's how we roll man!" Ryan cheered as we both hugged in victory.

The game continues and to be honest it was one of our most tiring games since Justin and I were both competitive. None of us were going to let our team down.

I tackled Liam one of the guys playing on Justin's side, then passed the puck to Ben who was waiting on the left side of the rink.

"Alright VI, that's my girl." Jev said as he skated past me.

Just when I thought we were taking the lead, Chaz steals the puck from  Ben passing it to Justin then he scores a long shot. Him and his team mates cheered as our score changes to a tie-breaker.

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