35. Fall

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The referee called for a timeout on the Knights behalf after they scored a goal. Our team was a point behind meaning we had to work double time since we were on the last set of the game.

"I've got to admit guys, the Knights cleaned up well this time. It's been a tough game so far and to be honest, I'm getting tired." Jev says, taking a seat.

Jev and I equally split our obligation on the team as leaders. I wasn't the type to admit failure but I had to agree with him. I was getting tired too.

"Oh boohoo. Stop being wussies. We've worked too hard to back down now." Someone says, making us turn our attention to who spoke.

It was Violet approaching us in her uniform with her hockey gear. I had no words.

"But...how...wait what the hell just happened?" Chaz asks, feeling just as confused as everyone.

"You guys were right. Logan was our anonymous tipper so that I wouldn't be able to play." Violet replied.

"I am going to fucking kill that guy." Jev says, as he stood up, ready to charge at the Knights' side but Logan was already making his way towards us.

"You just don't know when to give up do you Nerd? How many times do I have to fucking screw up just to mess with your life?" Logan yells, ready to aim a punch directly at Violet but Jev and Jake stands in front of her, stopping him.

"Fucking asshole. Were you going to really hit our girl?" Jev asks him, pushing Logan's fist away.

"Hit her and I'll rip your head off." Jake says.

"Well if that bitch wasn't so hard to dispose, this wouldn't happen." Logan spat.

Now that one made me mad. No one calls Violet a bitch. I was about to hit Logan but Violet grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"You don't want to do this. Remember your team is here Justin. He's not worth it." Violet whispers hugging me closer to her.

Coach Bryce joins the commotion as he speaks to Logan. "Kid, just go back to your team. You've done enough."

Logan walks away, knowing he had nothing against Coach Bryce. The referee called a personal foul giving us the chance to start the new set. The crowd which sided with us cheered with the call of the referee.

"I have a lot of questions but there's no time. Do you want to do the talk for this one?" I ask Violet, wrapping my around her waist. I couldn't hide the smile with how things were going at the moment.

Violet smiles sheepishly but gives the team the pep talk anyway. "I'm not really good with pep talks so don't expect me to give you boys some speech on how to kick those loser Knight asses." Violet said making us all laugh. "We only have 15 minutes on the clock and damn it I'm going to make sure we win it. Who cares if we're a point behind? I already know we'll be going home winners so let's show these Knights what we're made off!"

We all cheered in excitement ready to play for the last minutes of the game.

"I'm taking Jev, Ryan, Chaz, Jake and Violet with me." I instructed them. "This is our last set so we have to make it count. Violet you're going to take Ryan's place as the defender. Ryan and Chaz, you'll stick with me. Jev you'll be my forward and Jake will stay as the goal tender."

With the plan all set, we put on our helmets and skated into the rink. Before skating to my place in the center, I went over to Violet to hug her. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself," I say.

"I'll be fine Justin. We're going to win this right?" Violet asked me.

"We'll win this, together. I promise you that."

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