28. Placing Roses

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I had hoped that today would be better but it seemed to only get worst. When I didn't hear from Violet yesterday, after she walked out on me, I already knew I wouldn't be able to get the sleep that I would need which made me wake up with a massive headache. I lost count on the number of Redbulls I had to take just to keep myself from falling asleep in class.

Things got worst when Coach Bryce decided to make the call on picking who would team up for today's practice. Unfortunately, I ended up teaming with Violet so you could just imagine how that worked out for us. We ended up losing the game since I refused to cooperate and made sure I did everything to avoid interacting with Violet.

I knew it pissed off Coach Bryce because he orders me to follow him to his office once we had finished with practice.

Once I made it to Bryce's office, I closed the door to give us some privacy then made myself comfortable on one of the chairs across his desk.

"What the hell happened back there Bieber?" Coach asked, getting straight to the point.

I shrugged, making sure he knew that I wasn't in the mood to discuss my personal problems.

Bryce rubs his forehead, obviously getting stressed over my attitude right now. "What's bothering you kid? Don't even try denying it because I know something's up. I need you to tell me so we can get this shit cleared out before the next practice. I can't have any of you slacking off the remaining days we have. You know you can tell me anything Justin."

I sigh in defeat knowing I wouldn't be able to hide anything from Coach Bryce. He was like a dad to me at this school. If I had Scooter for the business then I had Coach Bryce for hockey.

"Violet and I got into a fight." I answered, making it a starter for the story I was about to tell.

Once I had finished explaining, Coach Bryce finally speaks up. "You kids are being silly, especially you Justin. You didn't bother to give Violet a chance before throwing a fit at her but what's even more stupid is you thinking that Violet and Paul would have a relationship."

"I think it's reasonable." I answer defensively, crossing my arms over my chest like a kid. "Why else would she hide the fact that they've been hanging out."

"Have you ever thought that it must have been a friendly, harmless hangout? Remember, Paul needs all the friends he can get right now after what he has done for us. I'm sorry but you acting like a jealous boyfriend is just ungrateful, don't you think?"

I sigh, knowing that I had been defeated by Bryce's argument. "I know. I'm a dick. I guess I felt scared that Violet has been getting close to another guy. I couldn't stand the thought of losing her to someone else." I explained.

"You're an idiot if you think Violet will chose someone else over you. Do you even see how she is when she's with you, how you've made an impact on her? Come on Justin."

I looked at Coach Bryce, not having a clue with what he was trying to imply.

"She smiles a lot when she's with you. She started allowing other people into her life after she started being with you. When Violet started on this team, she never used to interact with anybody until you showed her that it was okay to be with other people. Come on kid, don't tell me you haven't noticed any of that?"

Come to think if it, I realize that Violet had become a completely different person. It was a good change. I guess I never really noticed because all I saw was how she changed me to become the person I am today.

"Thanks Coach." I say after understanding his point. "Maybe I just needed a reality check to see things from a better perspective. Violet's really important to me and I can't afford to lose her."

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