9. Peace Offering

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It had been exactly a week since I fell ill from Justin's prank. I had missed a lot from school but was able to catch easily with Vallerie bringing home all the necessary school work.

Hockey practice was still tedious with how some of the guys treated me but they were none of my business. I waited for Vallerie at the school parking lot to pick me up. As I waited, something popped into my mind.

Have I mentioned Justin tried to call me when I was sick? I didn't know why and I never knew either but it definitely kept me thinking that day. I told Vallerie about that and she couldn't believe it either. I mean who even gets a call from the one who caused you pain right?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Justin pass by me as he walked to his car. We made a quick eye contact before he got in and drove away. Awkward. Finally Vallerie had arrived and I got into the car.

"I saw that." Vallerie said.

"It was awkward so I'd rather not talk about it." I replied.

"What's up with him? He's acting really weird. One moment he hates you, the next minute he's all 'secret admirer' on you."

Before I could answer her, my phone rang. Blake's name popped up on the screen. I answered my phone. Our conversation took a while and I could see Vallerie give me weird looks once in a while as we spoke. Once we had finished talking, I put my phone off and kept it in my bag.

"What did lover boy say?"

"Dinner, but I said no."

"You know if I didn't know you had some evil plan messing around your genius brain, I would think you really like this guy and if you weren't a rival, he'd probably feel the same way."

"I doubt it; what would he notice in someone like me?"

"Sometimes you have to stop doubting yourself and see for once that you're really beautiful Vi. If you weren't beautiful, then two hot amazing guys wouldn't be fighting over you."

I thought of Blake immediately. "Who's the other one?"

"Justin! Sheesh! You can be so cold-hearted most of the times."

Okay wow, really? That obnoxious pop star with a really gorgeous looking face. Wait what?

"That freak would never like me in a million years. In case you forgot, he's the reason why I fell sick the other week."

"I know there's something with him, whether you're that nerdy chic he hates or not. Trust me." My best friend winked at me finally keeping the atmosphere quiet.

"Let's just go home. I've got a ton of homework I need to finish for this week." I told Vallerie.

"They're not due till next week Vi! Live a little. All you do is homework and hockey. Come over to Zayn's place; we've having a barbeque for his cousin that's visiting from Australia." Vallerie said with a smirk on her face.

I instantaneously knew what she meant. "You are seriously not trying to hook me up again Val. I told you dating is not my thing right now. I've got a lot on my plate that I need to do first."

She rolls her grudgingly. "Fine, I'll let you off this time but don't expect me to be so nice to you when a new boy comes around. I'd tap you if I were a guy."

I looked at her weirdly and laughed before I got into the car after which she followed shortly. Starting the ignition, we strapped in our seatbelts before Vallerie shifted the gear so we could leave the school grounds. It was a quick and silent ride until we reached my house. Thanking my best friend, I waited for her to disappear from our driveway before I walked towards my house. I saw the door was open which made me get a nervous feeling in the gut.

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