7. New Fashion Trend

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It was a Saturday morning and I was getting ready to go to school. I had tutoring every Saturday for the 5th graders; most people think it's a Saturday, why go back to school? I enjoyed spending time with children; it was the one day of the week in school where I didn't have to endure the constant bullying. It reminds me that life still had a positive meaning despite the discrepancies.

Getting off the bus, I headed straight to the classroom I was assigned to. I greeted the other volunteers before taking my place beside my student.

"Good morning Gordon.  Were you able to have breakfast before coming here?" I asked the fifth grader, Gordon, and greeted him with a smile.

"Yes I did. I brought you something Vi." The kid said and took out a chocolate bar from his backpack. He gave it to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That's very sweet of you. Thank you." I said.

With that short greeting, we began with our lecture.  I tutored him math and he was my student for the year. For the past 3 years, we were given different students and depending on what we were capable of, that was what we had to help them with.

A successful day had passed and I had instructed Gordon to go home. I packed my stuff as well before I left the school grounds. I decided to walk home as it was still early and in case I decided to make a few stops. I was approaching Starbucks until a car sped by, driving over a puddle, splashing it over me. I looked at the car and noticed a familiar face peeping out the window.


"Nice outfit Webb; trying out a new trend? It really suits you." He said, a smirk plastered on his face.

I didn't bother replying and entered Starbucks. I received a couple of stares from the customers but I ignored them as much as possible. After getting my order, I directed to the corner of the store and sat down.  My phone vibrated, notifying me a text from Vallerie.

To: Violet
From: Vallerie
Where are you? I was on the way to your house but I noticed the gates were locked.

To: Vallerie
From: Violet
I'm at Starbucks. Please pick me up but before you do, go home, get a shirt and a sweater. I'll explain later. Just make it quick.

Vallerie didn't reply anymore so I locked my phone and enjoyed my hot drink. I was freezing because of my wet clothes until my best friend had finally arrived.

I quickly got into the car and slammed the door shut. I immediately switch the heater which instantly relaxed my shivering bones.

"What happened to you?" she asked immediately.

"I'll explain later." I replied and took the clothes she brought along with her.

Vallerie parked in a free spot and allowed me to change my clothes before we got out.

After I had changed, we walked back into Starbucks as Vallerie wanted to order as well. I picked a table for us and soon enough, Vallerie was already making her way back with a tray of coffee and some food.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I didn't how or where they came from but before I knew it was Justin and his friends. They just ran over a puddle and it splashed all over me."

"He's really a jerk. Do you want us to do something? You know Zayn and I can beat him up first thing in the morning."

"He's not worth it; I'm used to this. Did you have plans for today?"

"We were supposed to go shopping today but you need more rest than shopping. You're freezing Vi."

"I can handle it. It's going to be so boring at home."

"Go home and get some rest. You're going to fall ill if you go out. You look really pale."

"Are you sure? I could really use a new pair of shoes."

"I can always buy you your shoes. I'll drop you off now so you can rest already."

I didn't have the chance to argue anymore before Vallerie gathered my stuff and we walked out of the store to her car. I hugged the jacket to my shivering body until we reached the house. Val dropped me off until the doorstep of my home.

"You'll be fine right?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"I'll take a hot bath, fill my stomach, sleep the whole day and wrap myself probably in 3 layers of clothes. Will that be okay?"

"Yes, good enough. Just call me or text me if you need anything."

I gave her an assuring nod before giving her a hug as well. She walked back to her car, closing the gates before disappearing into sight. I locked the door to my home and walked up to my room. After taking a long bath, I changed into a set of pajamas and got under my comforters. The T.V. was left on withsome random show running and before I knew it, heat surrounded my body and my eyelids were shutting close.

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