4. Kingsley Knights

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"Today I won't be doing any lessons." Mr. Paxton told us as he started the class.

"Yes! Ryan, let's go." Chaz spoke up immediately and was ready to jet out of class until Mr. P stopped him.

"Not so fast Somers. Sit down."

We all laughed at Chaz's fail attempt as he sulked back down on his chair.

"This afternoon, we'll be having the students of Kingsley's Secondary School visiting us and Principal Edwards has assigned my class to show them around." Mr. Paxton says.

"You're kidding me right? Why in earth would those losers visit?" Jev yelled as his voice echoed through the classroom.

"Calm down Mr. Mitchell. I know most of you kids have issues with them but you just have to get along. Plus, it's the last year before you graduate. The school's even planning to get you all into some kind of social gathering."

"That's not going to happen. Not even in a million years." I scoffed.

"Nothing's official yet but since none of you will agree, you better pray hard that they don't." Mr. P lectured.

"What are they even doing here?" Ryan asked, with just as much hatred as everyone else in the room.

"It's the last year for you seniors in this school. The school board think it's best for you guys to at least try and get along before leaving since it was your batch who started this whole feud."

"Well if their Team Captain wasn't such an ass, then we wouldn't be in this mess." Chaz grumbled as he had a personal hatred towards the Kingsley's. There was a story behind that and I'll get to that part eventually. Chaz's hatred goes way back even when I was still on tour.

"Someone kill me!" Jev screamed once again and dropped his head between his arms.

"I'm with you bro!" Ryan agreed.

"Okay that's enough. Class dismissed. All of you head to the cafeteria. Principal Edwars will be waiting to hand out your task for the day. I'll be grading you on this one as part of your senior year report so don't mess it up."

"I'd rather live in a dumpster for a grade than hangout with those freaks." Jev shot at Mr. P.

"Did you say part? Meaning there's more to it?" I asked him in shock.

"Much, much more depends on what we discuss with the school board." Mr. P responses with a smirk.

I hate this guy.

"Okay everyone, you're free to go and make sure to keep the Kingsley's in one piece. I don't want our school to get a bad reputation, especially from not my class." Mr. Paxton smirked then shooed us away to leave.

He must be enjoying every part of this.

I walked out of class with Ryan and Chaz. We make it to my locker where I dumped all of my books inside.

"I don't want to spend the day with these twerps, no matter how hot the girls in their school are." Ryan told us as he tapped away on his phone.

Chaz and I simply laughed.

"I'm meeting Taylen at the diner. Ryan, take care of whoever I was supposed to tour around. Bye suckers!" Chaz said before dashing away from us leaving Ryan and I alone in misery.

"I'm going to kill him." Ryan says, making me burst out in laughter. "Chaz better hope that whoever he was supposed to partner with for the day is a hot chick or else he can kiss his failing ass goodbye."

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