6. Two Is A Crowd

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"What in the world are you doing here?!" I yelled at Justin and gave him a death glare.

"Violet! That's not the way to speak to guests."My mom warned me.

"Logan, he's a guest. Justin on the other hand, I don't think so. Mom, you don't understand; he's one of the guys who—"

"I won't hear another word about this. Justin is in our home therefore he is guest so he should be treated like one. I'll be upstairs if you need anything." my mom said and went upstairs, leaving Justin, Logan and I in an awkward atmosphere.

"I'm sorry I'm late baby. I got hitched up at hockey practice but I left as early as possible so I could see you early for our date." Justin said with a smirk plastered all over his face. He came up to me and gave me pecked me on the cheek.

I scrunched my face in disgust and wiped it off immediately.

"Oh...I didn't know you guys had plans. I'll just come over some other time..." Logan apologized and began to make his way out.

I ran up to him and stopped him from taking another step.

"No, don't listen to him. He's just being his usual jerk self. We're not even dating, you already know that."I gave him a small smile and laced my fingers with his.

"Good to know." He smiled back.

"How about you go and pick a movie while I go make some popcorn?"

"Okay; don't be too long." Logan smiled and gave my hand a peck before he walked to the living room.

I walked into the kitchen and directed for the sink. I put as much soap as I could and washed of the hand where Logan kissed me.

Urgh, great; I have Knight cooties on me now.

"You might lose a hand if you keep trying to get those germs off." I heard a familiar voice chuckle.

I turned around and saw Justin, with a smirk on his face, leaning against our kitchen counter.

"Get out of here Bieber." I told him and pushed the tap off.

"No need to be harsh on me. I just came here to make sure he won't do anything wrong with you."

"Really? By crashing our make-up date...? Shoot that came out so wrong. But seriously, you're going to ruin things again. How did you even know he was going to be here?"

"I was paying attention to my surroundings." Justin mumbled.

"You were eavesdropping?!"

"Paying attention to my surroundings Webb!"

"Whatever dumbass. They mean the same thing. I can't believe he's here. Seriously, what was I thinking?"

"I don't even know if you were thinking in the first place Vi."

"I have Knight germs on me now and Bieber germs. Things can't get worst."

"Come on, you got to admit, you liked that kiss."

"Ha! Over my dead body; why did you even to do that?"

"The guy clearly likes you dumbass. I wanted to piss him off."

"Logan? Me? Right, and I have a lion in my backyard. Dude, really? We just met. This is all a game."

"But he doesn't know that."

"Look, just stay out of this. I'm doing everything for the team and if this goes wrong, I'm blaming you." I growled at him and pushed him by his shoulder.

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