33. Ice-Cream Freeze

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Being in a classroom that was half empty felt weird since most of Mr. Paxton's students were the guys from the hockey team. The boys had the benefit of being excused from class till game day and since I was no longer playing for team, I had to be in class like a regular student.

Gathering my stuff, I was ready to leave the room until Mr. Paxton stopped me.

"Violet can I have a word with you?" he asked.

I approached his desk so we could have a conversation. "What's up Mr. P?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you can't play tomorrow at the game." Paxton answered.

I shrugged. "It's not your fault sir. With the number of times I got kicked out of the team, I think it's pretty obvious it wasn't meant to be."

"Hey, for what it's worth, it was nice to see the hockey team gain a strong player while it lasted. We've seen you play and it would've been an amazing game if you were there."

"Thank you Mr. Paxton. I should get going. I kind of have somewhere to be."

"You have a good one Ms. Webb."

"You too sir," I replied before leaving my teacher alone in the classroom.

Driving away from school, I pulled over a vacant parking spot outside Fanfare Books in less than 15 minutes.

It's been a while since I did some reading and I think it was time I got back to my old hobbies. Justin and the guys were stuck in practice so it's not like I had anything better to do for the rest of the day.

Once I found the shelf that had the book that I wanted, I was ready to grab the hard bound covered novel until my hand collided with another person.

"Excuse me. I saw it first," I snapped at that person not realizing who it was.

"Gee VI. You don't have to fuss about it. I hate to break it to you but I saw it first." Paul says, emphasizing on the "I".

"You're an ass." I laughed after we exchanged hugs. "What are you doing here?"

"I just finished reading this whole series so I wanted to get something new to start on." Paul answers.

"I didn't picture you to be a novel-reading guy. You seemed like just another pretty boy."

"Wow, way to judge a person VI. Keep it up." Paul rolls his eyes like a child.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "I'm not judging you. You know what I mean."

"I'm kidding." He chuckles. "I'll let you have the book if you help me find something else in this store."

"Deal." I agreed. Paul hands over the novel then we started going around the store, looking for another interesting book. We made small talk along the way.

"I heard you won't be playing at the game tomorrow." Paul says, while he continued looking around for a book. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Can we do that after we're out of this place?" I asked. I really didn't feel like talking about serious stuff with a lot of people close by.

Paul agrees with me as we went on searching in silence. Eventually, he finds what he needed so we both go to the counter to pay for our books before leaving the store.

Paul and I agreed to go to the local park to talk and pass time. There were barely any people so that gave us a better chance of talking without being interrupted.

"Did you know your boys have been texting me non-stop, asking me to help find a way for you to play tomorrow?" Paul started.

I looked at him, surprised. "Is that so?"

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