34. Better Than Nachos

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"Justin, will you relax? You've been tapping on your foot non-stop for the past hour. You might create a hole through these floors if you keep going." Dan tells me while we sat in front of the computer in my room.

"Yeah dude. I can hear those foot taps through the computer. It's getting annoying." Jev says as his voice beams through the speakers of my computer.

I've been talking to the guys from the team as well as with Kenny Hamilton, Alfredo Flores, Ryan Good and Scooter Braun, telling them about my plan for Violet after the game. Dan listened beside me.

"I'm sorry! I just want everything to go perfect later. I have to make sure it does or I'd rather not do it all." I explained to them after getting my foot to stop tapping. I got myself to calm down eventually.

"No way you're backing out now. You've got it all planned out and we're not going to screw up because we also want this moment to be something Violet will never forget. It has to go smoothly." Jake says.

"I can't thank you all enough for helping me with this." I tell them. I knew the boys had gotten close with Violet and I knew they just wanted to see her happy. I was glad they were on board to make that happen.

"I'll give you guys what we'll be needing as soon as I get to the rink. That way, we'll be able to get things together without waiting for each other right after the game. We have to move quickly so Violet doesn't suspect a thing." I explained, giving them my last instructions for tonight's game plan.

"I'm happy for you man. We're excited to meet her." Scooter says.

"I'm excited too." I respond, maintaining my cool. But I knew the guys could see that I was nervous and they were right.

My heart could pop out my chest any moment now.


My phone buzzes in my pocket, indicating I had a text. I pulled out the device and kept it under the desk to keep my teacher from catching me use my phone during class.

From: Paul
You done with class? I'm at your school's parking lot. Hoping I could hitch a ride with you to the game.

From: Violet
Still in class. I think we're almost done. Be there in a sec.

The chemistry teacher finally wrapped up with the lesson dismissing the class. I rushed out of the room so I could meet with Paul but Vallerie stops me in my tracks as I run into her in the hallway. She had a weird grin on her face.

"What's gotten you so happy?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I'm just really excited for today. Oh, by the way, your mom told me to give you this. She said you've got to wear it at the game later." Vallerie answers, handing me over a purple shirt with Justin's face plastered on it.

"Shit." I cussed under my breath. "They really made these?" I grabbed the shirt and looked at it. Behind the shirt had the name 'Bieber' on it and Justin's jersey number too.

"I think it looks kind of cute. Pattie had a few shirts made for you too. Look, I'm wearing one of the designs." Vallerie gushed as she turned her back to me.

The shirt she had worn had a 'Bieber + Webb' designed on it. Though it looked really cheesy, I couldn't help but smile at the effort my mom and Pattie had pulled off. "Mothers." I laughed.

"Pattie and Marisol already reserved spots for us. We don't have to rush to the rink. Zayn and I might grab something to eat before heading there." Vallerie said.

"Good because I'll be stopping somewhere for food too. I'm starving." I respond. "Paul is waiting for me at the parking lot so I should get going. See you later Val."

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