23. Lucky to Have You

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Vallerie helped me carry the three large boxes of pizza we had ordered so we could take it back to school.

It was lunch time and since we didn't want to settle with crappy cafeteria food, we decided to get some pizza from our usual pizza diner nearby. We were just waiting for the buffalo wings, which was the last food missing on our receipt, before we could leave.

"So how does it feel being on the team again?" Vallerie asked me as we made small talk at our table while we waited for our food.

"It's really great especially when we're actually playing as a team now." I answered.

"That's good to hear VI. I'm glad the boys are treating you right this time. Zayn and I are excited to watch you play at the big game."

Just as I was about to reply, I noticed a familiar figure behind Vallerie, who stood by the counter. "Paul?" I called out.

Paul looked towards my direction then signaled me to hold on as he spoke to the lady, probably placing his order. Once he had finished talking to the staff, he approached Violet and I at our table.

"Hey there," he greeted me as we exchanged hugs. "What are you doing here?" he asked after we pulled away.

"We didn't want to deal with cafeteria food today so we decided to get something else." I explained to him. "How about you? What brings you here?"

"Same reason. I wasn't feeling the menu at the school's cafeteria and leaving for lunch gives me a good excuse to avoid Logan."

I almost forgot that Vallerie was with me until she scoffed to get my attention. "Oh right, Paul, I'd like you to meet my best friend Vallerie. Val, this is Paul."

Vallerie and Paul exchanged handshakes. "How come you look so familiar to me?" Vallerie questioned him.

"You might have seen me with Logan's group before." Paul answered.

Vallerie shows a poker face after hearing Logan's name. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Val," I hiss at my friend. "They're not friends anymore."

A blush appeared on Vallerie's face as she felt embarrassed with her actions. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's okay. I'd be surprised if you didn't throw a fit at me." Paul chuckles nervously.

Vallerie shoots me a look that said 'We need to talk'. I haven't told Vallerie yet how everything had worked out for the team so I knew I had some explanation to do later.

One of the diner's staff approached our table as she handed over a box of wings, finally completing our order. She checked the copy of the receipt she had before handing a bag to Paul as well.

"Do you want to hitch a ride with us? We could drop you off so you wouldn't need to take the bus." I offered him.

"Bieber let you take his car?" Paul asked me.

"Actually, no. We took my boyfriend's car. It was either they saved us a ride or they deal with cafeteria food. They were too lazy to drive and they were the ones who had suggested pizza so..." Vallerie explained with a proud smirk on her face.

Of course Justin wouldn't let me take his car. We might have gotten close within the past few weeks but he was still a guy. He would never let me drive especially when he has already seen how bad of a driver I was.

"You girls are pure evil." Paul laughed. "Are you sure you would want to drive me to school? I mean, we all know ---"

"It's just a ride Paul. We'll be out of the Kingsley's parking lot before anyone can see us." I said, assuring my offer was not going to be a problem.

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