26. Something Real

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Pattie, being the supportive mother, agreed to help with me with my plans for Justin tonight. She was going to pick up Justin from the airport to drop him here at my house. I didn't know how Pattie was going to bring Justin here without him being suspicious but I trusted her to come up with something that would not blow up my cover.

"I'm sure you'll do a great job sweetie. I just wish I could stay to see Justin's reaction." Pattie says as she gushes over my plans again. She's been doing that ever since I called to tell her about it.

I laughed at Pattie's excitement. "I've never done anything like this before. I hope it makes Justin happy."

"He'll be more than happy once he sees all the effort you've done." She responds. "I'll text you when we're close. Tell me how it goes alright?"

"I will Pattie. Thanks for helping me out. Take care." I ended the call then started getting out the things I was going to need from the kitchen cabinet.

The doorbell went off. I was hoping it was the other person I had called to help me out. An hour had passed since I last talked to the person and since Justin's flight was expected to land in two hours, I knew I had limited time to get everything done.

Once I opened the door, I felt relieved to see it was who I was expecting.

"Took you long enough." I greeted Paul before letting him step inside.

"Gee Violet. Is that how you treat all the people you ask favors from?" Paul answered.

We started walking towards the kitchen after I had shut the front door. "I'm sorry. I'm was starting to get nervous since we've only got little time." I apologized.

"Relax. I got this. We'll get everything done before Justin arrives." Paul assures me.

Since Justin couldn't push through with his plans for me today, I decided to make up for it by putting together a simple dinner which involved me cooking for him.

Paul was the only person who could have helped since he would be the last person anyone would expect to help me out when it comes to Justin.

I did plan to call Ryan or Chaz since they knew Justin best but knowing those two, my surprise would blow up before I could get chance to put everything together.

Vallerie and Zayn was unavailable since Sunday was family day. So that left me with Paul.

As Paul and I started taking out the stuff he had bought from the grocery, another one of my favors, my mom came in so it was now the three of us in the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I greeted her.

"Hi sweetie. Who's your friend?" she asks.

"This is Paul, he's a friend from hockey."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Webb." Paul politely greets her as two exchange handshakes.

"Please, you can call me Marisol. It's nice to see Violet having new friends in our home." My mom says.

"Right. Anyway, uhm, Justin's going to be here later so if you hear him on the intercom, let him in okay?" I told my Mom.

"Alright sweetheart. I'll be up doing some work anyway. You kids enjoy." My mom says before getting a glass of water and walking out of the kitchen.

"Your mom seems cool." Paul saya.

"Yeah, she's not so bad." I bluntly reply, not wanting to talk about my mother and hoping it was made clear to Paul.

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