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I waited for Ryan and Chaz outside the hockey gym so we could proceed with our plan for today.

Fumbling with my phone, I finally decided to text the person that was going to help us this afternoon before slipping the device back into my pocket. I really hope all will go as planned; today was really important for me as well for someone who was special to me.

Chaz and Ryan comes out of hockey gym still in their uniforms. "Okay dude, coast is clear. Everyone is out of the rink and Coach is doing his paper work in his office. It's your time to shine." Ryan says tapping me on the shoulder.

I look out at the school's field desperately hoping for the supposed help to show up. I couldn't wait anymore since we had so little time.

Just as we started walking back towards the hockey gym, a familiar voice yells from behind us, getting attention."Hey wait, I'm here! Hold up!"

I smile in relief to see the guy I've been waiting for. "Paul, what's up man?" I greet him and exchange handshakes with the guy.

"What's he doing here?" Ryan asks with a not so pleasing expression on his face.

"Trust me, we'll need his help."

Chaz, Ryan and I went ahead to Coach Bryce's office while Paul waited outside, making sure he would not be seen by anyone.

I stand quietly in the middle of Chaz and Ryan across Coach Bryce who sat behind his desk listening to the recording on Chaz's phone. I didn't bring Paul with me just in case Coach wouldn't react very well.

"That was part of it. The loser doesn't even know I'm the replacement to Harrison. Do you know what we were talking about? He was telling me about their plan on how they were going to bring us down. As far as he knows, I'm not a part of the team and I don't give a damn about the stupid feud between their school and ours. But no...you guys had to ruin it." Violet's last words played through the speaker of Chaz's phone before it all went silent.

Coach places the phone on the table and rubs his folded temples. "I don't know how to react to all this. Too much has already happened for the past few weeks. How am I sure this isn't one of your playtime Justin? How can you guarantee me that you boys are not doing this just to cover up for Violet?" He questions the three of us.

"Because I also have someone else with who would like to speak up about the situation," I explain and on queue, Paul enters Bryce's office.

Coach does not have a pleasing smile on his face as he looks at Paul from head to toe obviously recognizing him from the other team. "What's this kid doing here?"

Paul clears his throat before speaking up. "I have something that I want you to hear before you make any decisions."

"And why should I listen to you?" Coach asks.

"Because I am sick and tired of playing Logan's shadow. Let's just say it was time that he got what he deserved. I just want to get back at him just like everyone else and as his former best friend I'm pretty sure I can help you out with that."

Coach sighs but gives Paul a chance eventually. "Okay, let's see what you got."

Paul places his iPhone on the table and taps the screen, allowing an audio file to play through phone's speakers.

"Dude, what do you do to make a girl fall in love with you?" We listened to Logan's familiar voice play through Paul's phone.

"What? Since when do you care about falling in love?" Paul's voice questions his friend's.

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