12. Take You

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I woke up with the most pounding headache a human could ever get in the history of headaches.

Fluttering my eyes a couple of times, I slowly sat up from the bed and laid my back against the headboard.

Once I was fully awake, I noticed my surroundings were different. From the curtains to the interior of the room, and to blankets that covered my legs, I realized I wasn't in own room.

Looking under the blankets I noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes from last night. Instead the set of crop top, shorts and my shoes were neatly folded on the couch which was across the bed from where I sat.

The clothes I wore were replaced with an over-large white shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. From the looks of the room there were different awards hanging on the walls and the name on the award made me realize where I finally was.

Justin Bieber.

I began to panic especially when I couldn't remember a thing.

Did something happen between Justin and me? What happened last night? How much did I drink? How come I couldn't remember anything?

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone bleeped indicating I had a message.

From: Justin Bieber
I don't know if you are awake but please wait till I get home. I'm almost done with school so we can talk once I get back. I know you probably have a lot of questions and trust me; I'm your only hope for answers.

I felt kind of relieved after I had read the message. It made me feel at peace knowing I had answers to look forward to.

Why was Justin in school though? It was a Saturday and as far as I was concerned Justin didn't have anything in school during Saturdays.

I noticed the time on my phone that it was already around noon. Shit! My tutoring!

I hurriedly left the room and ran downstairs. I hopelessly looked for the bathroom in the huge mansion of the popstar's but instead found a middle-aged woman around her thirties setting up what seemed like the dining table. I stopped in my tracks once she stopped what she was doing and noticed me.

"Oh you're awake; just in time for lunch." The lady said.

"Uh, yeah, uh, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I'm kind of in a hurry." I told her.

"I'm guessing it's your tutoring class, right?" The lady mentioned.

How did she know?

"I'm actually really late but I think I still might be able to catch up."

"Justin took care of it. He left earlier this morning saying he had to go to school for a tutoring class."

Wait, Justin covered for me? That's why he was in school? Why would he do that though? The guy hated every moment in school.

"Oh, well, I guess I should wait here for him then." I chuckled nervously.

She merely nodded and continued to set up the table. "Let me help you with that." I told her as she came out of a room carrying a platter of food.

"You know, from all of Justin's one night stands, I surprisingly like you. You're so sweet." The lady said.

"No ma'am I think you've got the wrong idea. Nothing happened between Justin and me." I explained.

"That explains why you're wearing his clothes." The lady said.

"Honestly ma'am I don't remember anything from last night but I can assure that nothing happened. I don't know really. All this thinking is giving me a headache and I won't get answers until Justin gets back."

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