17. All That Matters

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Settling with a floral dress, I leave my hair in it's natural straight style and apply just the right amount of make up appropriate for church. Satisfied with myself, I go downstairs ready to go alone only to find my mother by the door dressed up in a navy blue dress.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

Even if it was a Sunday, it wasn't normal for my mother to be around the house. Attending Sunday service has already been a routine for me to go alone and my therapy which follows after attending the service.

"I'm going to mass with you." My mom answers casually.

"You do know I have therapy after mass right? Don't you have somewhere to be?" I inform her, obviously confused with the sudden changes at the moment.

"Can we just have a peaceful Sunday service?"

Respecting a good Sunday, I allow her to join me for mass. My mom takes the keys to our Civic and leaves the house as I follow behind her. To maintain a peaceful atmosphere, I plug my earphones and put the music to its maximum volume to avoid any conversation with her.

My mom parks the car in one of the many vacant spaces at the church's premises. Turning off the ignition, we both get out of the car and join the crowd that's entering the building.

A random guy talked to me all of a sudden as we blended in with the crowd that was beginning to fill up the church.

"Hi." the guy says.

"Can I help you?" I ask him.

"Violet, it's me Paul?" The boy answers.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you."

The boy named Paul chuckles. "Of course you wouldn't remember the friend of the dude who just bestowed social crisis on you."

The only person who made my social life miserable right now was...Logan. Then suddenly I remember Paul from when Logan introduced his friends at the Pizza Diner. 

"Well this is something; I didn't really picture you as a church person."

"My father is a minister so it's kind of a practice in our family to be in church every Sunday."

"Oh wow; maybe you should bring your friend here just in case the bad spirits might leave his sick soul alone." By friend, I meant Logan.

Paul looks at me apologetically. "You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything."

Before I could reply the church bells chime interrupting my conversation with Logan's friend. The mass begins with the sign of the cross and I let my focus be taken over with the minister's words.

Going to mass has been a habit of mine ever since my brother had passed away. I never held a grudge against God and the trials in my life only made my faith stronger. Even with the 2 distractions beside me - my mom and Paul - the mass ends smoothly and I even greet the 2 people on my side during the sharing of peace.

I give my mom a hug as the minister ends the mass with his final blessing. Even if I had a pursed smile on my face, I was half-thankful to spend my time with my mother.

My mom pulls away from the hug and speaks to me. "Honey, I have to go now but good luck with therapy later okay? I'm sorry." She apologizes as she tells me goodbye.

I nod, understanding her need to leave. It wasn't like this was something new to me although I needed to find a new ride now to the doctor thinking how far my appointment was; taxi drivers nowadays never likes to drive long distances especially on days like Sundays.

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