2. Something About Her

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When I got home, I ran straight to my room, throwing my things on the floor. I quickly opened my laptop and logged into my Facebook account. With my account up on the screen, I typed Violet's name on the search box and her profile instantly appears on my screen.

I was unsure if the profile belonged to Violet because the pictures on the account showed otherwise.

A picture of a girl, Zayn who was from the soccer team, and Vallerie, his girlfriend, was set as the profile picture. I looked closely at the girl between them and I almost felt my eyes pop when I realized who it was.

It was Violet. I almost couldn't recognize her because she looked completely different. On the picture, she wore a blue dress with the straps tied around her neck. Her straight black hair flowed down the side of her face and she had minimal make up on. She stood arm in arm between Zayn and Vallerie, with a smile that could light a whole room.

I couldn't believe that Violet and the girl in this picture were one. It was as if they were two different people but I knew Violet wouldn't pose as someone else on her profile just to look good. She may get picked on a lot but I knew she wasn't desperate to fit in. Heck, she didn't even care if belonged or not.

I clicked on the 'Add Friend' button and waited for her to accept it. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to get something to eat. By the time I got back, I found the 'Friends' button on her profile was still grayed out meaning she still hasn't accepted my request on Facebook.

I guess she was serious about not talking to her again and as much as it disappoints me, I think I might just agree with her.


I changed into my clothes after taking a shower. I kept away my hockey gear in my locker and walked out of the boys' locker room. Today's practice was dreadful. One of the guys got injured in the team making us one player less. That obviously made the Coach hysterical, since he didn't know where to get another player considering one of our biggest game of the year was in a couple of months.

I walked out of the boys' locker room and saw Zayn standing outside as if he was waiting for someone.

"Hey man, what's up?" I greeted him with a handshake.

"I'm just waiting for Vallerie and Violet. I heard you're one down." he replies.

"We are. We don't really know what to do. Harrison was the best defender we had and now, we're screwed."

"It's okay man. I'm sure the replacement player will lead you guys to victory just as much as Harrison did."

"Wait? There's a new player? But-"

"They're actually talking to Coach Bryce right now so you don't really have to worry about anything."

"I won't believe that unless I've seen them on the rink. You know me."

"Of course."

"What do you know about Violet Webb?" I asked him.

Talking to Zayn made me remember about the picture on Violet's profile and I guess I couldn't stand to my own words. I just felt the need to know about Violet after she helped me with English Literature in detention and after what I saw last night, there was just something about her.

I mean come on, I just found out Violet was a totally different person when she wasn't around school. I can't help it.

"Violet? Why are you interested in Violet all of sudden?" Zayn laughed then gave me a weird look.

"I don't know. I just thought I'd get to know her."

"But you don't even like her. None of you guys do. It's no point asking me because I won't tell you anything. Besides, you don't need to get information from me because you'll get to know more about her in the upcoming months. Don't worry man." He said and patted me on the back.

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