15. Rejecting Calls

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Justin and I may have arrived in school together but by the end of the day I decided to separate myself from the squad just like I had kept my distance during school hours. Ever since seeing Justin down in the morning, my guilt had been eating me alive that's why I chose to stay away from him. He probably noticed it because even during class discussions, I kept missing the teacher's questions.

I waited by Zayn's car for him and Vallerie to arrive since I had finished my classes earlier than them. Justin didn't show up for the last class which made my avoiding him much easier.

While waiting, I see Chaz approaching me with a box of Krispy Kreme donuts with him. "Hey Violet," he greeted me.

I smile. "I'm guessing that's mine."

Chaz nods. "Justin told me to give this to you."

"Where is he?"

Chaz turned around ushering his head towards Justin who was leaning against his car staring right at me. I look at him fighting every urge for a smile to appear on my face. I look back at Chaz taking the box of donuts from him.

"Thank you." I say.

"Aren't you coming with us?" He asks.

Before I could reply Vallerie and Zayn approaching us saved me from explaining anything to Chaz. "Are you ready to go?" Zayn asked me.

I nod my head as a reply saying a quick goodbye to Chaz. Zayn open the doors for Vallerie and I so we take our usual spots with me in the back and Vallerie in the passenger seat. Zayn starts the ignition driving us out of the school premises. I look back to see Chaz going back to where Justin had parked. Once they were no where in sight, I sit properly making myself comfortable on the leather seats of Zayn's car.

Vallerie looks back at me from her spot in the passenger seat to say something which I figured she would say eventually after today's events. "You know you can't avoid them forever." By them I figured she would refer to Justin and his friends.

I stare out the windows remembering my talk with Vallerie after the incident from the cafeteria.

A refreshing feeling soothes my skin as the cold wind comes in contact through the holes of the jersey I wore as I exit the football team's locker room. Zayn managed to sneak me in while the rest of the guys were still at lunch so I was able to get the nasty smell of cheap cafeteria food off me.

I dry my hair off with the towel I picked up from the locker room. My phone buzzes from my bag so I take it out only to notice a text from Justin.

From: Justin Bieber

Hey, how are you feeling? :)

I grip to my phone feeling the guilt do twist and turns in my stomach. I shut my eyes close letting out a stressful sigh before I put it back in my bag. Vallerie notices my sudden tension because she looks at me with concern.

"Okay, I know something is bothering you. I'm your best friend so you can't hide things from me even if you tried." Vallerie says.

I sigh. "Justin was really down during Mr. Paxton's class when I got there. He never told me the reason why but I assumed it was the announcement by Bryce that affected him."

"Let me guess, you feel guilty because you think you're the reason why he got kicked out of the hockey team?"

I nod. "I don't know him that much but I can figure out on my own that hockey means a lot to him just considering how long he has been on the team."

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