10. Watch Out

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I walked out of biology class heading straight to my locker so I could keep my stuff and head to the gym. A hockey practice was scheduled for later considering we were only a couple of weeks away from our big game against the Knights. Since I had finished my week's work for my classes, I didn't need to be present for them for the rest of the day; this gave me a chance to practice by myself in the rink as the rest of the team still had classes till then. I needed all the practice I could get being new on the team even if hockey has been my sport for as long I could remember.

Arriving at my locker, I opened the metal compartment to keep my books inside. 2 familiar voices caught my attention as they were the only noisy ones in the hallway. Peeping through my locker, I saw Ryan and Chaz standing by the janitor's closet which was a couple of lockers down from where I stood. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but it seemed like they were gawking about something with all the laughter and high-fives they were exchanging.

A couple of minutes later, Justin came out of the closet, buttoning the plaid shirt that he had on. His hair was a mess and he had lipstick smudge by the side of his lip. Once he was presentable the trio walked away from the janitor's area towards my direction. I quickly looked away and pretended I was fixing something in my locker. I could hear them approaching with their voices and conversation getting clearer for me to understand.

"How was it?" I heard Ryan ask. I didn't know though who he was talking to since I had my back against them.

"Man, she was good. For someone unexperienced, I'd give her a 10." Justin replied.

"You are a legend bro. I didn't think virgins were your thing though." Chaz said.

"It's always good to have an experiment or two once in a while." Justin answered.

Catching up on what they were talking about, I cringed at the topic and made a gagging noise. "What a pig." I muttered under my breath.

Unfortunately for me, having my back against the hallway, I didn't realize the boys had stopped in front of my locker and looked at me with their eyebrows raised until I turned around to face them.

"Excuse me?" Justin questioned.

"If you think screwing a virgin is an achievement then there's something seriously wrong with that brain of yours. You are disgusting; that poor girl could've been saving it for someone that was definitely not like you." I answered.

"Well sorry princess she was all over me. The way she was sucking on-"

I cut him off immediately before he could finish his sentence. "I don't need to know about how you fucked her around. I feel sorry for her though she had to suck on something that small. Clearly you don't have the balls to respect a woman. How were you even raised asshole?"

"Oh...she did not just go there." Chaz said.

Justin had a furious look on his face and I noticed his fists were balled up ready to punch something. As if speaking too quickly he took closer steps towards me and had his arms on either of my side trapping me in his space. He punched the locker that was placed on my left side making me squirm in fear.

"If I hear you say anything about my upbringing again, it's not just going to be this locker that's going to get hurt. Watch it Violet; I'm warning you." Justin said before he let me go off his trap and he walked away with his squad beside hm.

I knew that he had a heartbreaking story with his family but from the numerous times that he had mentioned it to the press I didn't think it would still affect him this much. Shutting my locker, carrying only my phone and wallet with me, I made my way to the gym shrugging off the disturbing thought.

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