14. My New Favorite Thing

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I approached Violet and sat across her by the window pane. She didn't seem to have a problem with me close to her as she continued to stare out the window. I did the first move in speaking up. "How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"What are you still doing here? I figured you would have gone home by now." Violet replied.

I looked at her in disbelief. "What makes you think I would just leave you alone like this?"

"I don't know," Violet shrugged. "We're not even friends so I don't doubt it would be easy for you to just walk away like that."

"Damn it Violet!" I yelled in frustration and stood up. "Why do you keep pushing me away? Can't you see that I'm the one here for you?"

"I didn't ask you to be here! I didn't ask you to take care of me! I didn't ask you to stick around because I don't need you Justin! I don't need anyone to take care of me."

"Oh really; that's why you just broke down to me earlier huh? That's why you wouldn't let me go."

From a strong facial expression, with what I had said, Violet looked away from me obviously guilty with what she blurted out.

I smirked in victory but I didn't show her that of course. Now wasn't the time to show who was winning.

I sat down across her once again and slowly took her hand; this time she showed no intention of pushing me away as she did the first move of intertwining our fingers together. It made my heart skip a beat.

"I'm scared Justin, that's why I don't let anyone get close to me because I only lose them in the end; that's why I keep pushing everything and anything away because they only end up leaving me in the end. I lost my brother, I lost the hockey team, and I lost my reputation just when it was starting to build up. I notice the things you do for me Justin; I may have an eye problem but I'm not completely blind. It scares me if I let you into my life; I'm just going to lose you just like I had lost everyone important."

While Violet explained to me, even if our hands were attached, she didn't give me one look, avoiding any way of eye contact with me. I moved closer towards her and placed my other hand on top of our intertwined touch.

I didn't know what gave me the urge to say my next words but I said it anyway. "VI, I know I'm probably the last person you would trust right now but it's okay if you won't because I don't deserve your trust. I will be here if you need a friend, someone to talk to, I'm not going to walk away from you. I know I've made your life a living hell but I'm guilty for everything I've done."

"Why? Is it because of the wreck that's in front of you right now?" Violet chuckled.

"If you think what I'm feeling for you is out of pity, it's not because I really care about you. I don't care if you don't believe me but I'll be here to prove it to you that I'm not messing with you anymore. I'm going to prove to you that you can trust me." With my last words, Violet crushed me into a hug wrapping her arms around my neck.

I smiled against her neck which I was positive she felt because her lips that came in contact with my shoulders formed a smile as well. Just as I was about to return the gesture, the vibration in my pocket interrupted the moment. I groaned in frustration which made Violet laugh.

"You should answer that. Your phone gives off really loud vibrations." Violet said as she let go off her grip from me.

Pulling out the device from my pocket, I saw the caller ID that read off 'Scooter'. I declined the call and slipped it back inside my pocket. "It's nothing important." I told her.

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