5. Devil On Earth

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I threw my bag in frustration and plopped down my bed.

Who did they think they were telling me what to do? Especially that pop star! Okay fine, I helped him once, we got along twice but that didn't mean we were some kind of best friends for life. He was still that stupid, annoying pop star who thinks he's got it all and he's still that guy who's been bullying me from the time he came back.

After changing into a pair of boy shorts and tank top, I dropped on my bed and pulled out my books from my bag. I made sure I had finished my homework before getting rid of my school stuff for the day. I switched on the TV in my room and went on switching from channels, trying to find a good show to watch.

Finally settling on 'Pretty Little Liars', I placed the remote beside me and stared at my TV screen. My phone began to ring and I picked it up against my will.

"I hate to be rude but you're kind of interrupting my date with my TV." I snapped at whoever was on the phone.

"Let me guess, 'Pretty Little Liars' is on?" the familiar voice chuckled on the other line.

I jolted right up when I recognized the voice.

"Logan? Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I—I didn't mean to be—"

"Vi, relax. Don't apologize."

"How do you even know I was watching that?"

"Uhm, my sister acts that way whenever I interrupt her date with that show."

"I didn't know you had a sister." I said which came out more as a questioning tone.

"Well, now you do."

"Why did you call me anyway?"

"I just wanted to check if you were okay. Three assholes kidnapping you isn't something to be thrilled about."

"Tell me something I don't know." I replied and rolled my eyes.

"But you're okay right?"

"I'm fine. I got home not too long ago. Are you okay?"

"I'm alright."

"I'm really sorry about those boys. I didn't know they were going to be there."

"It's okay. Why did they threaten you about telling Coach Bryce you were hanging out with me?"

Oh shoot! Think of something Violet! You can't let him know about the plan. It's just getting started!

"You know Coach Bryce, he's got eyes like a hawk. Whether you're on the team or not, as long as you're talking or hanging out with a Kingsley, you're screwed."

"Ah...I got it."

Phew, nice save.

"Well, we should do that soon. I really enjoyed today and you really amuse me Violet."

"Are you asking me out?" I smirked and covered my mouth to keep myself from bursting out in laughter.

"What? No, no! Of course not. I mean, I don't mean it like I didn't want to go out with you or anything. Believe me, you're absolutely stunning Vi but not in that kind of way that I—"

"I'm just kidding." I finally gave up and erupted in tears of laughter.

"You got me, but don't ever do that again." Logan chuckled nervously.

"I promise."

"I just called to see if you were okay. I'll talk to you soon. Good night."

"You too. Bye." I told him and hung up. I placed my on the nightstand and switched off the TV along with my night lamp leaving my room incomplete darkness. I tucked myself under the comforters and buried my face in my pillows. Relieved the day was finally over, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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