22. Life Saver

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Paul welcomed me into his home after closing the door behind us.

The house was not what I had expected. It was small and cosy. Upon entering the house, you could immediately see the living room on the right and there was kitchen to the left. There was a flight of stairs ahead of us which I assumed was the way to the bedrooms.

I thought kids from Kingsley Secondary were rich stuck-up snobs but Paul's home definitely changed the image I had in my head.

Paul suddenly spoke up interrupting my train of thoughts. "I'm sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind." He said, as if was able to read exactly was I thinking.

"It's comfy. I like it plus it's your house. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it." I said.

"I wish everybody else had the same opinion." Paul replied which caught me off guard. He must have had really sucky and ungrateful people over if they judged him just by where he lived. "Anyway, where do you want to talk?" he asked me.

"You're supposed to be leading me the way. It's your place after all." I answered as politely as I could.

Paul chuckled nervously probably forgetting that he was supposed to be accommodating me.

As he made his way upstairs, I followed him right behind. Opening one of the few doors on the floor, we settled in a room that had screamed 'dude' all over it.

The upper half of the wall was painted in a light blue shade while the lower half was painted in a darker blue. A few paintings hung on the wall with some posters of the Maple Leafs scattered around as well. A couple of trophies were placed neatly on the shelves which was nailed on the wall too.

Paul led me to his bed where we sat across from each other.

"So are you going to tell me what were you doing in my school, why you and Justin are magically besties and why on earth would you help us get the team together again?" I began bombarding him with questions.

"You don't have to go all detective on me. I'm going to answer everything eventually." Paul chuckled which caused to shut up.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I immediately apologized as if a little kid had been scolded by their parent.

Paul began explaining. "I was at your school that time because I wanted to see for myself that they would have you back on the team. I was the first one to reach out to Justin to offer help."

"Why would you do that?"

"I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with Logan for a few months now and the bastard made sure I caught them instead of admitting the truth like a decent person. Let's just saying helping your team get together was the best revenge and humiliation I could think of against Logan."

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend." I apologized, letting him know that I genuinely felt sorry for him.

"It's okay. It was never going to work out anyway." Paul casually said. I figured he didn't want to talk about his relationship so I decided to not ask further questions about it.

"What do you mean by getting our team back together was the best revenge? I'm not following." I asked, going back to our original topic.

"Logan wanted you guys to fall apart so that there wouldn't be a strong team against them during the final game. You guys are a threat to him and since this is our senior year, he badly wanted the win before we graduated." Paul explained once again.

"Did he have to stoop so low to the point that he had to ruin me with the guys?" I asked.

"You were an easy target because you were a girl. When he found out that a girl was actually part of the rivalry team, Logan knew his plan was going to be a lot easier that he had expected. Usually he would just target one of your guys' girlfriends but this time he had to chance to target an actual team member." He answered.

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