18. Nothing Like Us

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Sitting on the school benches, I eat my breakfast which consists of a bagel and a cup of coffee. I read through my Biology textbook studying for a test that was going to happen later in the afternoon. My best friend Vallerie arrives and hugs me in excitement.

"You're like the first lady." She tells me as she gives me her phone, expecting me to check it out.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her obviously confused.

Vallerie ushers me to read her phone where I notice an opened article on the screen.

Bieber's New Favorite Girl
International teen pop sensation Justin Bieber (18) was spotted yesterday with who seems to be his new love interest. The two were first spotted at the local church in the little town of Stratford where they get away in Bieber's famous Range Rover.

The couple was then spotted outside the famous Avon Theatre where Justin and said new favorite girl shared a moment under the rain. How cute can these two get?

I snort at how gullible the media could be. Justin was just being a gentleman keeping me from getting wet by the rain and they found it cute. I stared at the picture they took of us and shrugged; it did look cute for anybody just reading the story. I scroll down Vallerie's phone to read more of the article.

According to the local theatre's staff, the pop star got together a romantic picnic for his lady and serenaded her in a circle of roses and candles. Can somebody give this guy an A for effort?

Justin Bieber then posted a picture at the end of the day of him and his mystery girl on Instagram with caption

Justin Bieber then posted a picture at the end of the day of him and his mystery girl on Instagram with caption

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@justinbieber my definition of beautiful.

Who is Justin Bieber's new mystery girl? Is our teen pop sensation finally ready to love again or is this just another of his publicity stunt to clear off the mess he made last week? Well if there's another record label that sets up a publicity stunt this sweet, somebody please sign me up.

I finish reading the article and hand back the phone to my best friend. "So I'm guessing I don't have to tell you how my day went yesterday?" I ask her with my eye brows arched and a smirk plastered on my face.

"Whoever ass wrote the article totally ruined the last part. Seriously, aren't they tired of the same old publicity stunt thing?"

"Since when did you start defending Justin Bieber?"

"Since the guy totally went all out for you! That was so sweet with the whole picnic thing." Vallerie gushes and sigh. "I don't remember the last time Zayn did something that sweet for me."

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