13. Breaking Out

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Parking my car in the school's parking lot, I turned off the ignition and got down. Today, I decided to drive myself to school since Vallerie and Zayn were not going to be present for some family reunion they were getting busy with. I noticed that there were hardly any people in the hallway which was unusual.

Another unusual thing that I had noticed was Justin standing by my locker holding a cup of a coffee and a single bag of Dunkin Donuts. He approached me and greeted me with a hug which caught me off guard.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked him confused.

Ever since last weekend, Justin and I have been talking quite a lot but I still kept my distance from him.

He would constantly text and call me but I still tried my best to keep my barrier up. Just because a few moments was shared, that didn't make us automatically best buddies.

"This is for you my lady," Justin replied as he handed me the cup of coffee and the single paper bag.

I walked over to the bench in front of us and took a seat after which he followed and sat beside me.

"Thank you. Where's everybody?" I asked him still confused with the unusual absence of students in the hallway.

"It's free period for the hockey team since Coach Bryce wanted to get ready for the big game in a couple of weeks."

"Why aren't you with the Team?" I asked as I took a bite off my donut.

"That's because I wanted to give you breakfast."

"Thank you again. You didn't have to do this though; you're taking advantage of my love for donuts." I finished the chocolate glazed bread throwing the paper bag in the garbage nearby as I got up.

Justin followed me as I began to walk and make my way towards the rink. "Are you ready for practice?" He asked as he casually slipped his fingers with mine which surprised me.

"As ready as I'll ever be; I'm always up for a good game, you know me." I answered not questioning his gesture.

"I see you brought a new ride," Justin said as he ushered towards the car I came with this morning.

"Yeah, my usual ride is AWOL for the day so I didn't really have a choice."

Our moment was interrupted when Justin's phone rang so he had to let go off his grip from mine to answer the call.

"Hello? – Yeah, we're on our way – What do you mean don't bring her to the rink? We're almost there – She's with me right now – Look, we'll see you guys later okay? I got to go; you're kind of interrupting something." Justin said in broken conversations making me laugh at the 'interrupting something part'.

He intertwined our fingers once again as we entered the hockey rink. "Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"That was just Chaz and himself being weird." Justin replied.

As we entered the lockers, we saw the team huddled in the center, most of them sitting down. Coach was nowhere to be found meaning Justin and I had arrived just in time.

"Hey dudes," Justin said as he greeted his friends, Ryan and Chaz and also a couple of other guys from the team.

The boys didn't seem to have a pleasant morning especially when they saw me enter. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

I wasn't usually the one to talk first but considering after that night at the club, I would've assumed that the team might have warmed up to me.

"You have the nerve to ask us that after what you've done." Jev answered.

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