30. Sure as the Stars

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Chaz, Ryan and I waited for Violet since she was the last one to take the physical test that we all had to go through before game day.

Though Coach Bryce knew we were all physically fit to play, it was a requirement from the school board to have it documented just to prevent the players from cheating athletically and also to make sure that all the kids were safe.

Finally, Violet came out of the clinic. She had a huge frown on her face which made me wonder, "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I fucking hate needles. If I didn't want to play so badly, I wouldn't be doing this." Violet answers.

She was adorable. "Come here. It's over now." I pulled Violet close to me so I could give her a hug. "How about you come over to my place? Dan and I are going to work on some tracks. My mom usually prepares a bunch of food to help us get through the session and I know you wouldn't be able to resist food."

"Fine, you had me at food. Let's go." she says making me smile at her childish but cute attitude.

After we drop off Ryan and Chaz to their houses, we headed straight home. I led the way to my recording studio once we reached the house. Dan was already working on some stuff by the time we entered the studio.

It was the first time Violet had met Dan since he didn't get out much due to our busy recording schedule and I was usually the one over at Violet's place, so I made the move of introducing them to each other.

"Violet, this is Dan, my musical director and guitarist. Dan, this is Violet, a special friend of mine." I say.

"So, you're the famous Violet that Justin never shuts up about. It's so nice to finally meet you." Dan says with a smirk very much visible on his face.

Damn you Dan.

"Justin never stops talking about me aye?" Violet says, mirroring the same smirk that Dan showed off.

"Oh, non-stop." Dan laughs.

"Guys, I'm right here." I groaned, feeling embarrassed with what was happening right now.

"We know." the two responds in unison.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Dan." Violet smiles, holding her hand out for a handshake.

Dan pulls her into a hug instead. "Sorry, the crew doesn't do handshakes." he says after pulling away from her. "I'd like to officially welcome you to the Bieber Crew since we've already been introduced. I'm already sure that the rest of the guys will be thrilled to meet you soon."

"I'm excited to meet the rest of Justin's team soon too." Violet replies. With the smile on her face and how she and Dan were able to easily joke and get along, I knew she was going to fit in with the crew perfectly fine.

"As much as I'd love to keep talking to you Violet, I'll need to save our conversation for another time. Justin and I have to get started on the session." Dan tells Violet then turns his attention to me. "Scooter keeps texting me, asking when we're going to send the draft of the tracks."

"Typical Scooter," I rolled my eyes. "Do you think you'll be okay here?" I asked Violet.

"Yeah sure, but do you mind if I borrow your guitar?" Violet asks me.

I walked over the area where I kept my guitars to take the Fender acoustic then gave it to Violet as she had requested. "It's a lefty though. You think you can manage?" I say.

"I know how to play upside-down Bieber." Violet replies with a smirk. Of course she knew. I don't think there was anything that Violet couldn't do and that was one of the things I loved about her. Her confidence.

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