32. Family

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I silently sat on the bleachers of the football field to take in everything that just went down at the locker room. Just when I thought I could finally have everything I've wanted, fate finds a way again to take it all from me in a blink of an eye.

My phone rings on my lap as my mom's contact displays on the screen.

I hesitantly pressed the accept button and answered. "Hi mom."

"Pattie just told me that you and Justin were getting your physical tests today for the game tomorrow. I didn't know there was a test at all but I knew I had nothing to worry about because you've been doing a lot better from your therapy session. I was sure everything was going to turn out fine." My mom says. I could sense the excitement in her tone.

Though I haven't been opening up to my mom about Justin and the whole hockey thing, I knew she was updated with the stuff because Pattie and her somehow got close ever since Justin and I started hanging out. 

I knew Pattie wanted to get involved with the only family her son's girlfriend had because she was just family-oriented that way.

"Uh, yeah mom. I won't be playing at the game tomorrow. The school board suspended me after they found out about my condition so..." I thought I could explain the situation to my mom but reminiscing the drama again didn't do well for me.

"No...That's not right. Dr. Carter said you've been improving ever since. Maybe we can get him to come to your school to explain." My mom says. She sounds genuinely concerned about me and I kind of missed her motherly attitude.

"There's no point because I couldn't get a hold of him. Coach and I tried earlier and his phone was out of coverage. It's over mom." I say, remembering when Coach Bryce and I tried to call Dr. Carter in his office earlier after finding out about my records. The call attempts failed after hearing the phone operator multiple times that the number was no longer available.

My mom sighs on the other line. "You know, Pattie and I made t-shirts to support you and Justin for your game. Vallerie even helped make a few 'Go Justin and Violet' signs but that's all going to waste now."

What my mom said made me laugh a bit. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I'm not joking Violet." she laughs too. "I know you feel like I haven't been around your life a lot but I have. You just couldn't see it with all the hatred you have for me. I know that you've been acing your classes at school. I know that you have a passion for film and photography because I see the photos you post on your social accounts."

I felt shocked as my mom continues explaining. "I know that you have weird obsession with donuts because every time Justin comes over with them, it's like you see the most precious thing in the world."

I couldn't help but laugh again. No one can judge my love for donuts.

My mom might have done a lot of bad things to me, even put my life in danger during that accident, but at the end of the day, she was still my mother. I could never completely hate her. It was that moment I realized that I was finally ready to allow my mom into my life again.

"It's nice to know that you've noticed all of that. It makes me feel that I actually had a mother watching over me." I tell her.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been a good mother to you. I've been trying so hard to provide for you, so you could buy anything you wanted. I wanted to make up for the terrible life that you and your brother had to go through when I left. I know now that money isn't always the answer to everything." she responds.

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