3. The Third Time's A Charm

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We all listened to Mr. Paxton as he lectured us and walked around the class.

"Romeo and Juliet explains love will always find ways. You don't need to chase after something that will eventually come in your life. If it's true love and you deserve it then make sure you fight for it until the end."

Could this class and this professor get any cheesier? I can't even count the number of times I have already yawned and we have only just begun.

A knock came from the door, interrupting Mr. P from his lecture; it was Coach Bryce. He walked up to where Mr. P stood and spoke to him. We couldn't make out what he was saying since they were both whispering.

"Okay, class is dismissed for the day. All those in the hockey team, please follow Coach Bryce to the rink for practice, and the rest of you, free period and you may do as you please." Mr. Paxton announced and the whole class erupted in cheers.

I thank the Lord for giving hockey as it had never failed to save me.

I got up first and walked with Coach while the rest of the hockey team followed them behind.

We changed into our uniforms and grabbed our hockey gears before we all huddled around and waited for Coach to join us. He came in with Violet beside him, already dressed up in her hockey uniform. She had her hair tied up in a high ponytail and she didn't have her glasses on.

"Listen up you girlies. The game is in a few weeks and I want all of you to focus on this. Practice is every day after school and no one goes home until all your energy is drained out!" Coach screamed, his voice echoing throughout the boys' locker room.

"Ah, piece of cake. Those Knights got nothing against us. We always win." Jev shrugged and gave Ryan and fist bump.

"That doesn't mean we should keep our head high and be sure. We don't have Harrison this time so we can't be sure of ourselves."

"I'm here Coach. Plus there's Chaz, Ryan, and Justin, you've got nothing to worry—"

"Just shut up Mitchell. Everyone, get on the rink now and get warmed up. You all better be ready when I get out or everyone stays two hours more after practice."

The team rushed out of the locker room while I took my time and took quick glances back at Violet who was still talking to Coach Bryce.

"Do you want to sit down and see how they work around for a while or do you want to get started? You're new to this so I don't really want you getting hurt. I don't really wanna have parents suing me for physical abuse or something." I heard Coach Bryce say and laugh.

"Don't worry Coach, I got this. Plus, if I don't do this now then I won't ever learn therefore I'll end up being a worthless piece of crap just like Jev said." Violet replied.

"Forget him. Okay, he may be one of our best but I'm sure you've got your own skills. Now get out there and show those girls what you've got."

After hearing that, I ran out of the locker room so she wouldn't catch me and push me away again, just like she did before.

The puck I had went right into the net multiple times without sweat as I had Ryan warmup with me. Even without our best defender, I knew that our team could do it. I mean, he was just the defender.

Like Jev said, there was still, him, Ryan, Chaz and I. I mean, don't even get me started with my hockey skills, not that I'm bragging or anything.

After English Literature, most of the student body crowded the hockey arena. They were all interested to watch since Violet, the school nerd, the most hated person in this school. And the fact that she was the first and only girl, apparently, made it more interesting for them to watch.

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