Purple Elefant

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Niall's POV
It's 12 o'clock in the evening and I feel myself getting tired. 'It's bed time for me' I said to myself , when I'm about to go upstaires I hear a hard noise against my window , I sigh irritated and open the window 'Who's that' I said angry , no one.
I close the window , when I turn around a hand slips over mouth. 'Sweet dreams Boo' said a dark voice before he pushes something to my nose. I feel myself drifting away. Chloroform.

When I open my eyes , I see i'm tied to a chair and tape is on my mouth.
I start panicing and use all the power I have in my bare body to try to get out of the ties. Someone starts laughing and my eyes start getting watery.
'Niall right? The boyfriend if Harry' the person said , I could hear the smirk in his words. He rips of the tape , the pain is so fucked up but I don't scream. Farewell beard. I stay quiet and try to calm down my heavily trembling body 'ANSWER ME QUEER' The person hitted me in the face.
'I am Niall!' I yelled , the person reveals himself it's a boy with black hair and brown eyes a bit like Zayn and Liams.
'Who are you?' I asked confused and disgusted , he chuckles 'I'm that asshole you would beat when you'll meet me atleast that's what you said in the hospital' My eyes widen , did he beat Harry. 'i'm Shane' I get a flashback from Harry and me in the car.

I've put you in danger Harry' I said with a hurt voice his extremely red eyes looked at me guilty.
'No nothing is your fault' He said looking at me sweet , I shake my head again 'they asked for money and they would leave you alone if I gave it , I didn't had the money they hurted you Harry look at your cheek it's full of dried blood' I said with a cracking voice my heart beats faster 'Who's they? Do you mean Shane?' He asked scared for the answer 'No wait who is Shane? I meant Max' I look at him confused 'Who's Max?' He asked even more confused.


This is the guy was scared of the guy who hurted him when I laid there in the alley. This explains where his mother was talking about.

'Did you know he gets bullied?' His mom asked.

Harry's getting bullied? No that's impossible Harry is to strong to get bullied. 'Done daydreamin leprechaun?' I snap awake , my eyes shotting bullets to Shane.
'You've hurted Harry from the beginning don't you?' I asked through gritted teeth 'Awh cute how protective you are , but a guy like you can't protect a Princess' Tears well up in my eyes when he mentions "Princess" I call him that.
'Are you gonna cry?' He said with a fake pout. 'self harmer , all alone , family who is against gays , bullied you don't have it easy uh? An disease like you don't deserve walking on the planet' The tears getting higher in my eyes , not only of sadness no now i'm just angry how dare to call me a "disease" because i'm loving the same gender!
He start untiding the ropes of my left hand , he pushed a phone in my hand.
'Call him , break up and If you dare to scream for help we'll kill him' he said with a smirk 'Your sick' I said.
I dial his number , some tears run down my face he laughs evilly.

"Haz... I need to tell you something" I said hesitating glancing a last time to Shane his smirk grows darker.
"What's wrong boo?" He asked worried.
"I have no feelings for you anymore , I think it's better if we break up... Purple Elefant" I said heart beating in my throat.
"Wait why?! I love you ! What did I done wrong... Wait Purple Elefant" his voice cracked until it fixed when he spoke Purple Elefant.
"Niall whats happening?" He asked scared , I lick my lips in fear.
I glance to Shane who stares at me.
"Purple Elefant ,I don't want to see you anymore" I hear him telling gentle to his sister to take notes.
"Are their more elefants" he asked , I sigh Shane makes the symbol of hurrying up.
"Yes elefants , you don't like the nickname right? It a shan-me" I said as hint I hear him gasp what means he understands but sadly enough Shane heared his name fall to.
He rips the phone out of my hands.
'WHAT HAVE YOU SAID?!!' He yelled hitting me in the face again. 'NOTHING I SAID THAT I DIDNT WANT TO BE WITH MY PURPLE ELEFANT ITS HIS FUCKING NICKNAME' I lied , he looks at me creepy and hits me again.
He leaves and comes back with a knife , he grins 'I heared you used shane instead of shame and now you gonna pay for that' He said stabbing me in my arm.
I scream it out in horror.

Louis' POV
This can't be happening for god's sake.
I watch well Shane stabs Niall in his arm. He bleeds heavily and tears stream down his pale face , his blond hair is a mess.
I feel myself get sick and I run to the toilet. I flush the toilet after throwing up. You might ask why i'm here cus' I won't hurt Niall in a million years , okay I might do when he breaks Harry's heart but not like this.
Shane and I promised each other something in the past , Harry faked his death but Shane found out he wasn't that death. He would leave him alone as long he keeps it up. But when he stopped for Niall he came back. I promised that if he stops I would help Shane with one dirty job , I didn't expect this to be fucking honest.
Audrey must be so disappointed.
Talking about Audrey my phone vibrates in my pocket.

"Louis Tomlinson"
"Louis... there's something wrong please come home" her voice sounded scared.
"What's wrong! I come see you in five minutes babe stay"

I hang up quickly and run outside 'Where u going Tomlinson?' Brandon smiled mean 'To check what's wrong with my girlfriend tell Shane i'll be back in a few minutes' I said.

When i'm finally home ( a.k.a. Audrey's house ) I run inside and see Harry in tears , Audrey rubs his beck and so does Gemma Harry's sister.
'What happend' I said sitting down next to my broken best friend.
'I...he...shane' he spoke , suddenly I feel like panicking.
'Harry speak to us' Gemma said not quite sure about what is gonna happen probably. 'N-Niall and I have a code word "purple elefant" don't ask me why purple elefant I have no fucking idea it just popped up in my head , anyway whenever one of us have problems , hurt etc. we would say that word' He hiccuped , he stopped to inhale and tries to calm himself. 'He called me randomly saying that it's over between us , first I thought he was forreal but than he said Purple Elefant , that's why you had to make notes for me Gem because I wasn't sure about what he would tell me. T-the conversation went on he was talking about purple elefant-s so that's more than one person. Than he said some random shit and ended it with instead of shame Shane but in a sneaky way. I could hear the phone fall on the ground and now i'm worried what if they k-k-kill him' he said crying at the last sentence , Gemma jumps up 'We gotta call the police!' She yelled.
'Yes we have to but they are gonna kill Niall if we call the police' Audrey said making Harry sob. 'Guys...' I said my voice cracks. You have to be honest Louis c'mon she's your girlfriend and he's your best friend.
'I might never told you guys something' I said with my eyes on the ground 'Louis...' Harry said anxious , he emerald green eyes are full of fear.
'I know where Niall is and I know why' I said , Harry jumped up immidiatly.
'Really?!' He said happily , I nod.
'But i'm not gonna tell you' I said , his smile washes away and replaces with anger. He walks up to me and push me against the wall 'Where is he' He said I could see he was boiling from anger.
If this was a cartoon than steam would come out of his ears.
'I can't' I said turning my face from him , I hope he won't hit me hard.
Instead of hitting he got straight to the point where I shit my pants , his hand is around my neck and he pushes me to the wall. 'TELL ME FUCKING WHERE HE IS' He said his once beautiful green eyes turned a darker colour , I feel myself running out of air. I shake my head though , I don't want Harry to get involved.

I start feeling dizzy , that's the moment when Audrey and Gemma try to pull Harry away from me. Gemma shouts some things at Harry , she's crying out of fear from her own brother.
He let me go and breaks down in crying.

Harry's POV
Gemma and Audrey are trying to pull me away from Louis but it doesn't really work out.
'HARRY DONT KILL HIM' Gemma shouts she's crying 'I CANT SEE YOU DO THAT PLEASE' She shouts 'IM SCARED OF YOU' she shouts well sobbing. I let go off Louis and breakdown in crying. 'I'm so damn sorry Gem' I cry when Audrey hugs me to comfort me. To be honest her hugs are always so warm and nice.
'H-H-Harry i'm sorry-' I cut him off and look at him with tears rolling down my cheeks 'L-Leave now! I don't w-want to see y-your face h-here' I screamed with a cracking voice.
Hi guys!
I hope you love this chapter cuz it's one of the best updates I wrote in my eyes. HOLY FUCK OTRA STARTED , SAY "ELEFANT" IF YOU WATCHED THE CONCERT THROUGH VINES!!
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X Me

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